Praise Jesus. Tomorrow, I clean it all up, and get it out the door for Kickstarter backers. …Again, praise Jesus.

It wasn’t a bad plan, Tobias told himself later. The babble juice had worked enough to give the details of the cult’s last-ditch bolt-hole: a warehouse filled with junk that wouldn’t be useful as raw materials for months yet. The cultist had even admitted that they hadn’t installed any deadman switches or spoilers, yet.

That ‘yet’ had gotten Tobias moving, complete with three guards for backup. Unfortunately, the cultist had forgot to mention that the Silver Dawn had gained control over the security and environmental systems, which was why those three guards were now on the other side of a sealed door. One reason not to charge in first, I guess.

Yes, Commander. One reason of many.

Better and better, the air pressure had dropped so quickly after Tobias was sealed in that he almost didn’t get his emergency mask on in time. Best of all? Miller was in here, and made her presence known by doing her damned best to hamstring him. Fortunately, he had jumped just in time, but his pants were never going to be the same. And they’re the best ones I have, too.

“Stand still!” Miller called up to him, brandishing a short, foul hunk of sharpened metal in one hand. “I just need a little flesh and blood! Enough to keep you in check! It’s the only way we can all be safe!”

I believe that the woman thinks she can perform some sort of magic ritual on you, Commander. Asenath gave one of her pauses. Naturally, she is being delusional — but I suggest that you keep moving anyway?

Tobias thought that was an excellent suggestion.