Did… *nothing* happen today?

I guess it’s open thread time*, because today was slooooooooow. Nothing interesting going on, or at least nothing interesting happening where I could see. I guess that’s Thursdays for you.

Moe Lane

*I don’t really know why I have open threads. I don’t care if people talk about pretty much anything in the comments sections anyway.

4 thoughts on “Did… *nothing* happen today?”

  1. What does everyone think about the “sensitivity readers” changing the work of Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming? I personally am against changing the work of deceased authors to appeal to modern readers.

    Also I got a one-star review on Goodreads. It wasn’t as soul-crushing as I feared it would be.

    1. Sensitivity readers are a pox and should be terminated with extreme prejudice everywhere and in all timelines. They’ve already decimated YA fiction, even causing numerous books to not even be published at all.

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