So I didn’t get as much done, but I got it started, and that was the hard part today.

The rooms were oddly proportioned, and worryingly angled. Shapes were wrong, and so were the shadows. The only light in each chamber were from great braziers, set outside the rooms themselves; their baleful fires flickered through tall, yet dirty stained glass windows, bathing each room in fantastical colors. It should have been darker; and yet the shadows themselves seemed to radiate an anti-light that revealed, yet brought no comfort.

This first chamber was all in blue, and the Monsignor made odd, mocking symbols with his fingers as they entered. “This is the Hall of Deserved Languor,” he told the other two, “and we must pass through it quickly.”

“Who would stop us?” Maddox started to mumble, then snapped his head as if fighting off a sudden weariness. “There are no defenders.”

“Look to your feet, fool!” Maddox bristled, but Nat looked – and then he swore, for some of the shadows were moving. The Monsignor muttered and threw up a mage-light, revealing the shadows to be crawling men and women. Of a sort: they were gaunt, with eyes always blinking, and hands and feet that were halfway to claws. Slow they looked and slow they moved, but there was a blind hunger in their faces that was no less cruel for being torpid.