The “Yes. We are aware” THU[N]DERBOLTS* teaser trailer.

I don’t know why it’s ‘Thunderbolts*.’ I do know that the people who made this movie are under no illusions about just how far the MCU has fallen. This looks like… well, it pretty much is what you have left after your original Avenger draws died (Iron Man), retired (Cap), died (Black Widow), is absolutely through with this [expletive deleted] (Hawkeye), been relegated to comic relief (Thor), or is being played by Mark Ruffalo.

And yet, it doesn’t actually look too bad. At least they know.

PS: My accidentally misspelling ‘Thunderbolts’ says it all, doesn’t it?

5 thoughts on “The “Yes. We are aware” THU[N]DERBOLTS* teaser trailer.”

  1. Kinda surprised that they showed … very little of one character. A whole bunch of Captain America knock-offs, Ghost, and … Bob.
    Bob’s … wild, but I’m not sure how much they’re gonna do, there.

  2. I’m quite obviously not the target audience .. and I’m fine with that.

    What I don’t see is …. who *is* the target audience?

    I mean .. it looks like they’re sorta kinda tryin’ to do a “suicide squad” vibe .. with the failed “comic relief” from several films back .. and … other minor characters …

    I don’t recognize Bob, although again not the target demographic … but the whole thing …

    … yeah, Moe. I think they know but they don’t necessarily have a clue what to do about it other than turning the wheel…


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