On the one hand: the observation below will absolutely not have any effect. On the other hand: you honestly never know with this guy. And on the gripping hand, if it does unaccountably somehow happen I’m going to be yelled at by various people – including ones I like – every day, for the rest of my natural life.
Alas. Sometimes great art requires as great a sacrifice.
PS: I’m sometimes this devil-may-care in my books, too.

I’m kinda curious what the incitement for the outburst was
Ditto. Need context.
Context is exactly what you think it is. Wizards of the Coast is full of activist Lunatics who hate their own Founders and Lore.™
Elon is responding to a whole thread on the 6th Edition manual effectively disowning Gygax and First Edition entirely.
Correction, not the 6e manual per se, but the 40th anniversary companion. Still egregious
Wizards of the Coast is full of activist Lunatics who hate their own Founders and Lore.™
Standard issue, statue toppling, name changing Democrats, then. Got it.
It’d be worthwhile, though.
Make DND Great Again (MDGA)!
If the people at Wizards of the Coast want to make a DEI infused role-playing game, nobody is stopping them. These people are standing on the shoulders of giants, and pooping on those shoulders like a flock of dirty pigeons. Screw them. If Musk bought D&D, I would be fine with it.