Anybody see GLADIATOR 2?

I figured I’d skip it, because my biggest problem with GLADIATOR is that, well, it’s not very historical. I’m one of those guys who was all, like, Why are we cutting away from the war? That’s a lot more interesting than the arena combat! I figured I wouldn’t like more of the same, but people do seem to like the new movie. Is it worth catching, considering that I have a sort-of free movie ticket for it anyway?


2 thoughts on “Anybody see GLADIATOR 2?”

  1. Well, the trailer looks like a mashup of the first movie and 300.
    Which I don’t find to be a selling point, but at least it’s not damning “toxic masculinity”.

  2. From the reviews I saw, it looks like they doubled down on all the features that annoyed you in the first one.

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