Pssst! Hey, buddy: looking for cassette-era filk archives?

Here ya go. Got tipped the wink on this one by a fellow-enthusiast who saw me bemoaning the lack of a real archive for filk music. There’s just, like, tons of stuff out there on cassette that might as well be in another dimension for all we can interact with it. And you can’t blipping buy it, either. Even Firebird Art’s just gone, man, like tears in rain.

Damn, now I’m sad.

2 thoughts on “Pssst! Hey, buddy: looking for cassette-era filk archives?”

  1. It’s not just filk. Even mainstream pop has been memory holed.

    (Shrug) One of my kids asked me to make them a playlist on Spotify a while ago. It was sanity taxing Mandela Effect $&(). Sometimes the entire album I was looking for was absent, but just as often the album was there, with track listing, but the song I was looking for wasn’t listed or present. Even though I’d owned the bloody album, and knew bloody well what the last track on the side was.

  2. I wonder if future generations growing up within the purely ephemeral digital age will have as much trouble imagining the permanency of tangible artifacts as they will with imagining life before omnipresent cell phones.

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