One thought on “The DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN trailer.”

  1. Like Iron Fist, it started strong, but lost the plot.
    Street level Supers in a grey and grey world with few easy answers (and those rarely involving punching someone in the face) can be compelling.
    But it’s not something you can stumble through, especially with interlocking storylines. The writing teams lacked the vision, discipline and focus they needed to pull it off. Kludged is rarely a good look.

    DD was one of my favorites growing up. They didn’t do him dirty, but they didn’t grok him, either.
    I think the main thing they needed to understand, is that Kingpin isn’t in DD’s Rogues Gallery. He’s in a much higher weight class, being the enemy of Spider-Man (before he went Cosmic), and occasionally The Punisher (more dakka is its own superpower). To DD, Carlton Fisk is a force of nature. It might be possible to occasionally divert him (at great personal risk), but outright defeating him? Completely out of the question.
    DD’s not Batman. He can’t drop into a group of thugs and emerge unscathed. He can usually handle a couple, but no more than that. He can do the Ninja thing and infiltrate a building to find information, but he’s not going to evade all notice, and he’s likely to be injured (sometimes by a thug that was tougher than anticipated, but more often by gravity).

    I’ll probably have more thoughts after actually watching the trailer.

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