No rain, and below eighty degrees. I can work with that. The real question is, will I die from embarrassment and shame at how neo-SCAdian MORGAN BAROD is? I mean, it’s much more Eastrealm* than Atlantian**, but surely somebody will notice…
On the other hand, my wife and I are mostly just taking a day together in the fresh air; hanging out, seeing people, and hopefully clearing out some of our spare gear and stuff. I’m not scheduled to do anything, and that suits me just fine. I gotta do a working event later in the year, so let everybody else run around tomorrow for a change.
*Basically, the Mid-Atlantic Coast from Delaware to New England.
**Basically, the Mid-Atlantic Coast from Maryland to Georgia.
I’m going to wager the take will be positive.
It’s SCAdian in a good light, and a good adventure tale.
Just … stay away from the vampires.