Did literally anything happen today?

It’s 8:37 PM as I’m writing this, and danged if I can think of a single interesting thing that occurred today. It wasn’t even a bad day! Just… utterly without movement.

Well, at least for me.

12 thoughts on “Did literally anything happen today?”

  1. (Looks meaningfully at “The line”.)

    Don’t ask questions that you don’t want answers to.

    But I think I can say that the gaia-worshippers committing widespread arson in the name of “the environment” can burn in hell.
    (The smoke has given me a splitting headache for the past two plus weeks. And it’s been worse for my family members with asthma.)

  2. Aged lefty racist ( but I repeat myself) and b- girl Madonna inches closer to death, does that count?

  3. Whenever someone asks how my day has been on a day like that, I enjoy replying “Delightfully uneventful.”

    There is a reason “Interesting times” is seen as a curse.

    1. On the other hand, someone was remarking earlier this week that no one is making movies about Millennials or Zoomers. Almost like none of them have struggled enough to have stories worth telling and the current nonsense is just some overwrought reach for meaning among decadence.
      *sips tea pretentiously*

      1. Alternative theory (not that one is really needed, but a backup plan never hurts) for who M&Z are boring and suck –

        A) Complete failure of the educational system leaves them incurious because questions bad doctrinal responses good,
        B)Complete failure of the educational system leaves them incapable of expressing coherent thoughts.

        1. Yes.

          C) Complete failure of the educational systems leaves them without an understanding or framework to even approach the fundamentals – of history, science, story telling, human condition, finance, pretty much anything.

          Sips his tea pretentiously but with real concern in his eyes

        2. Possible, even likely.

          Much of this failure is Parents outsourcing their job to the Education System, and treating their kids like pets and accessories when they *are* around.

          1. Incuriousness doesn’t come from parental disengagement, as any member of Gen-X could tell you

            1. Certainly – while in an unlucky portion of the population it’s a natural state, far to many born with curiosity have it beaten out of them in class.
              For certain, why would questions be humored or even tolerated when ‘the science is settled’.

              The children still learn – just not the lessons you think you’re teaching.

  4. On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, ending the First World War. So yesterday was the 104th anniversary of the official ending. Seems like a good event to remember.

    1. Good is extremely relative here – that treaty was an exercise in vicious reprisal and thuggery that directly lead to the tumultuous events of the next quarter century in Europe. Contrast that to the (at least on the US part) benevolent terms for Germany and Japan after WWII – both countries made into economic powers (for a time) even though it came at the relative expense of American prosperity.

      The Mouse that Roared was satire – but you need that grain of truth.

      1. Oh the treaty was bad, no question in my humble opinion. The end of WW1 was good (even if the setup chosen in the aftermath lead to WW2).

        But it is good to remember it. And it happened on the day Moe was asking about, albeit not the year he had in mind.

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