Arizona, in fact, has a gas chamber.
I’ve been away from the keyboard for a few hours, so I haven’t been updating this post (my continued prayers for Congresswoman Giffords and the other victims). I see that one of the dead is a nine year old girl… and I am perfectly fine with executing people who murder nine year old girls.
And I do not care if you are not.
So am I.
If you weren’t fine with executing people who murder little girls, frankly, I’d wonder what was wrong with you.
Another thing Arizona has right now? A Republican Governor. Which seems to make a difference.
May not make a difference- one of the other victims was a Federal Judge.
The Gummint gets mighty riled about its judges getting dead.
AZ may have to stand in line, gas his corpse.
I’m not really hung up over who gets first chance to take a swing on this guy’s ankles.