Fugitive caught via Facebook updates.

Ironically – or at least funnily – I came across this article while looking for fresh content:

A man on the run, wanted for fraud by US authorities, inadvertently revealed where he was hiding through a series of extravagant Facebook updates.

Maxi Sopo’s updates advertised the fact that he was living the high life in the Mexican resort of Cancun.

So I was ever-so-slightly, barely-triggering-the-needle, blink-and-you’d-miss-it sympathetic towards the guy’s obvious need to keep producing…

He also adding a former US justice department official to his friend list who ended up helping to track him down.

…and then I got better. Because that’s just a doofus move.

Moe Lane

Quick looks at 2010: AR-01, MO-SEN, & NM-02.

Some points of interest, for various campaigns:

Continue reading Quick looks at 2010: AR-01, MO-SEN, & NM-02.

Breaking: Rep. Robert Wexler resigning from Congress.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.

Which is… interesting.  After all, FL-19 is a D+16 district.  On the other hand, his district includes parts of Boca Raton, which is another way of saying that there’s a lot of old people in his district.  Certainly his fellow-Democrat Ron Klein is facing a race next district over with Allen West.  But we’re not doing that well in the 2010 expectations game, surely?

Moving along, speculation is that Wexler’s up for the ambassadorship to Israel.  If true, this should infuriate progressives: while liberal, Wexler is also very strongly pro-Israel, not to mention involved with AIPAC.  Which might explain why the President would pick him for the slot – after all, the last thing that the USA needs right now is another foreign policy blunder.  That it’d be an affront to the netroots may be merely more lagniappe

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

The Large Hadron Collider and the need to protect the timeline.

The problem with this argument is that you cannot quite just not take it seriously:

A pair of otherwise distinguished physicists have suggested that the hypothesized Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce with the collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its creation would ripple backward through time and stop the collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his grandfather.


“It must be our prediction that all Higgs producing machines shall have bad luck,” Dr. Nielsen said in an e-mail message. In an unpublished essay, Dr. Nielson said of the theory, “Well, one could even almost say that we have a model for God.” It is their guess, he went on, “that He rather hates Higgs particles, and attempts to avoid them.”

Or, rather, that the reasons why you shouldn’t take this theory seriously involve physics that is beyond… well, I’m sure that my readers all understand them, but I remember being told that there was going to be no math involved, so I cheerfully take it on faith that there’s a reason why Niven’s Law (“If the universe of discourse permits the possibility of time travel and of changing the past, then no time machine will be invented in that universe”) doesn’t apply here.  Although I was very pleased to see that I had independently come to the same conclusion as Hans Moravec on the inevitable impossibility of time travel.  It seems… logical.

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

So, what’s the *most* offensive thing about this Chris Matthews clip?

This being the one where he wants Rush Limbaugh to, well, die:

So. Is it…

  1. The aforementioned wants-Limbaugh-to-die bit?
  2. That the only reason that Chris Matthews is trying this is in the hope that going after Limbaugh will boost his ratings?
  3. Or that Chris Matthews thinks that Live and Let Die is a great film?

I’m actually going to go with 3). Chris Matthews will undoubtedly coward up and claim the usual ‘it-was-just-a-joke’ defense; and as for getting eyeballs, well, Matthews needs to get them somehow.  But Live and Let Die wasn’t even Roger Moore’s best Bond film; I’ll also be marginally nice and merely note that Matthews’ pick of it may say some very interesting things about how the pundit views African-Americans…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

How does a Democratic President know when he has an image problem?

When the Nation the Nation! – calls him the Whiner-in-Chief. Instapundit has more, including links to the front line of the administration’s War Against Fox. And along those lines, this bit (via Hot Air) of Glenn Beck is pretty much an instant classic:

It’s a marvelous day when you can use toy tanks and helicopters on national television to demonstrate just how silly your opponents are being.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

I don’t see why Mayor Kevin Johnson is upset.

It’s not like he got actually mugged, or anything.  Just robbed while taking mass transit.

I mean, sure, the incident suggests that San Francisco is a crime-ridden disaster, but what Democratic-controlled urban area isn’t, these days? Shoot, the current unemployment rate of Mayor Johnson’s Sacramento itself was 12.3% in August. That’s almost double what it was a year ago; when did you get elected, again?

Moe Lane Continue reading I don’t see why Mayor Kevin Johnson is upset.

“One Headlight.”

The one with Springsteen in it.

“One Headlight,” The Wallflowers/ Bruce Springsteen

It’s somewhere around 2:30 that you can see Springsteen go, Hey.  Didn’t I used to do… something… what was that called?  …Right, ‘rock.’  How did I do that, again?  Oh, of course… Huh.  I wonder why I stopped doing this.  Weird.

Waitasecond.  You’re not Van Zandt!  Who’s the bald guy?  There’s no SAXOPHONE!

Where’s my band?  Where’s my goddamned band?

It was a relief, really.


Didn’t this happen during the Great Depression?

Or am I thinking chupacabras? No, wait, that’s goats….

(Above via Little Miss Attila)

Hold on: there’s a new Hitchhiker’s book out? And Another Thing…, written by Eoin Colfer? How did I miss this?

Oh, right, because I never forgave Douglas Adams for what he did to his characters with Mostly Harmless. It was nasty, petty, and even cruel – and it was final, because Adams passed away so suddenly.  It’d be nice to be able to get past that.