Ooooh New Tim Powers (STOLEN SKIES) coming out in January.

STOLEN SKIES is available for pre-order, but we all know that I’m just gonna buy the Baen EARC as soon as it’s available. Without shame, too. Giving writers money for an early look at their latest book is exactly what I want to use the Internet for, and I will be doing that until the day I die. And nobody can stop me, either.

Moe Lane

PS: I dunno, it’s about aliens or something. Tim Powers, remember?

Buy my books! Although it may be my kids’ books, some day.

The eldest is starting to get into writing, which is way cool. The youngest is likewise firmly on the graphic artist track, which is just as way cool — and not particularly surprising, honestly. We were an artistic family, growing up: painting, drawing, dancing, writing, textile arts, and my dad was the cook. And since my wife’s a polymath, the odds were good the relevant genes would get passed on. Here’s hoping my kids surpass me.

But I wouldn’t mind if they had to work at it a little, so: buy my books!

The MORGAN BAROD author copies are in!

No pictures, because I don’t know where my phone is. But I have enough to send out a few author copies and have a guaranteed supply for Fright Reads next month, so that’s cool. Still haven’t decided whether or not to do the Frederick Comic-Con in November, though. It’s fairly close to Thanksgiving.

In other news: work has started on the additional art for the Fermi Resolution RPG supplement! Once I get those assets and the limited editing job back, off the whole thing goes to a layout person. And then it will be off of my plate forever and ever, praise God. And huzzah.

Continue reading The MORGAN BAROD author copies are in!