Got the artwork back for DECISIONS!

I’ll probably be using this for the cover:

…but I’m not even thinking about putting the chapbook together until tomorrow. It’s been a damned long week already. Month, really. I can go watch Spider-Man movies* tonight.

Moe Lane

*We watched the first Garfield one last night. My kids and I agree that he’s a very good Spidey, but Maguire’s the better Peter Parker. Which is conventional wisdom, but so what? It’s still true.

I have pulled the trigger on MORGAN BAROD.

Frankly, with the damn week we’re all having it was either that, or break out the whiskey. I realized that I could download the print proof, as well as order it, so I spent today going through the text and making the last changes. I’m going to wait for the review process to finish, and then… I have, like, a little bit of an advertising budget! Fascinating, right?

Thanks to everybody who helped. MORGAN BAROD will be available for $4.99 Kindle, $12.99 in paperback, and I dunno if I’m going to have a hardcover option for this one. Keep watching this space!

I am now generating the proof copy for MORGAN BAROD.

I will, alas, probably miss the September 1st deadline at this point. But not by more than a few days. I’ll also definitely have to go through the book to look for proofing errors, and won’t that be fun? – but if all goes well, I’ll have it ready to sell at that book fair thing I’m doing in October, which is the important thing.

Yay! And keep watching the skies!

Morrrrre revisions uggh.

This time for the chapbook: it was suggested that I add little intros to explain each story, and that was a very good suggestion, so I did. And that kind of catches me up, at this point. Tomorrow I can go through MORGAN BAROD again, send selected sections to my editor, and then we’ll do another final passthrough and… publish… the… book?

That seems weird to just type out, like that. I mean, sure, it’s about time, but still. There’s a certain milestone involved in getting more than one novel out, I think. At least, that’s how it feels.

Spent the morning doing DECISIONS revisions.

Some very useful feedback from both of the two beta reads that I’ve gotten back, so far. DECISIONS is going to be an eclectic chapbook, mind you: there’s a fantasy Western, a flat-out Cthulhu Mythos story, a clockpunk adventure, and… damned if I know what the last one is, but it was fun to write. They all were, and I flatter myself that they’re some of my best work. I look forward to publishing them, once I get the artwork and the rest of the feedback in.

In the meantime: buy my books!