03/08/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

…Welp, I’m going to go get a haircut so that I can do the Kickstarter video tomorrow and not look like a mountain man. Right now I’m trying to decide whether to do that before, or after, ONWARD. Probably after. Although I may do the haircut tomorrow, at that. The advice you folks gave about the video text was real handy, but I have yet to actually take it. The lingering effects of this cold… linger.


The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 12: To All The Squirrels I’ve Loved Before is the last UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL compilation ever, and I will miss the series. Doreen and I have profound differences of opinion on a variety of topics, but the character was decent, and cheerful, and kind. In a world where superhero portrayals can be often unnecessarily gritty, that’s no small thing. I look forward to reading the book on Tuesday, when it comes in the mail.

Feedback requested: Kickstarter pitch video script.

This is first draft, so feel free to pick it apart. I haven’t timed it yet, but I’m aiming for short and sweet. And no, I don’t know if that joke in the first paragraph really works, but what the hell. It’s the sort of joke I’d make in real life, and to thine own self be true.

The Kickstarter will go live on April 1st, by the way. The video is the last thing I need to do before submitting this project for review.

Continue reading Feedback requested: Kickstarter pitch video script.