01/29/2020 Book Report.

Not much to report today, either. I’ve slept on the designs that the artist sent, and decided that we’re going with what she put together. Pretty much at this point it’s a matter of finalizing the financials and the production schedule. This goes a lot easier when you already have the money for it: God bless my Patrons. I should do something extra for them this month, because they’re going to be my primary revenue stream for paying for book costs.


Well. That got done, finally. Just under 5000 words, and more or less fueled by amused spite. Nobody tells me that I can’t justify a story idea, thank you very much. I’m Moe goram Lane.

‘Course, it’s gonna need a little editing tomorrow or Friday.

Continue reading 01/29/2020 Snippet, THE GOLDEN EMPEROR’S FUNERAL.

01/28/2020 Book Report.

Mostly, I looked at preliminary artist sketches. The cover promises to be pretty good, I think. I’m also fiddling with various short stories for a potential side project / Kickstarter stretch goal — well, actually, even if it isn’t part of the Kickstarter I suspect it’ll be the next book anyway. February’s gonna be a lot of infrastructure until I hear back from the beta readers, I think.

That’s pretty much it, so no bullet points.