Vorpal Nerf Gun [Esoterrorists].

Vorpal Nerf Gun (VNG) – Google Docs

Vorpal Nerf Gun (VNG)


Appearance: a heavily-etched and carved plastic toy resembling a six-round revolver, and shooting foam darts.  The VNG operates perfectly well as a foam dart shooter, but something about the configuration of the gun and the carvings makes it peculiarly suitable for disrupting Outer Dark Entities (ODEs).  In game terms, the VNG acts as a two point pool dedicated to situations involving Special Means of Dispatch for a particular ODE.  Unfortunately, any use of the VNG itself damages the membrane.  Thus, determining the cost/benefit of use versus nonuse is sufficiently tricky that trying to do so in the field is strictly forbidden.

Continue reading Vorpal Nerf Gun [Esoterrorists].

Tweet of the Day, Successful #DeltaGreen Op On Atlanta’s I-20 edition.

They’re talking about a gas leak – or lack thereof – because a portion of Atlanta’s I-85 caught fire at the end of March (first picture below).  Ironically, that one was actually part of an Ordo Veritas veil-out.  OV and Delta Green tend to get along surprisingly badly, considering that they’re essentially in the same line of work…

Ooh, crossover adventures!  It’d be a memorable game.  And a short one, too.