Quote of the Day, Look, Aquaman Is Just Going To Be Cool Now edition.

I have to give the reviewer here credit for recognizing his situation.

Me: By now, the DC cinematic universe has lowered expectations to such a degree that “Aquaman” actually seems pretty alright. It’s not “Wonder Woman”-good, but it’s miles more likable than “Justice League” or “Suicide Squad.” If it’s as dumb, loud and overlong as any of the DC movies, it at least has a charm and sense of humor that jell agreeably with the ridiculousness of the story.

Me at 8 years old: This movie is the best movie I’ve ever seen in my life.
Because, in the end, Aquaman is not a movie for me. It, like Thor: Ragnarok, is at best a movie for the 8 to 15 year old version of me who still lives in my head somewhere.  Which is OK, because that version of me still gets to see all the fun stuff that they’re making now, and then go Wheeeeeee.  I can live with that.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Look, Aquaman Is Just Going To Be Cool Now edition.

Well, the half of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse I saw was good.

Excellent, even.  But I had a family emergency to deal with*.  Weird; normally I turn off my phone when the movie starts.  Not this time, fortunately.

I’ll try to catch the rest of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse some time this week.  If not, I’ll just catch it when we come back from holiday travel.  It really is very good, by the way. It totally could not work as a live-action movie, but as an animated film it’s almost perfect.  And if there were any wrong notes, they took place after I had to leave the theater.

Moe Lane

*Problem, not crisis, but I shan’t discuss it further.