Another short film: ‘Envoy.’

This got sent to me by a reader who knows me well enough to know that I’ve been watching short SF films all evening.  Because I should be finishing up a write-up of Winston Churchill’s walking cane, but between this and helping my wife prep for a routine medical procedure tomorrow I’ve been a bit distracted. But that’s OK. People have been a bit distracted on the Internet today anyway.

Tweet of the Day, Oscar Nominations Are Out edition.

Spoiler alert: no Deadpool. Not even in the technical ghetto where they typically stick all the genre movies.  Guess the Deadpool folks are going to have to console themselves somehow with gobs and gobs of money…

Michael Dougherty to direct Godzilla 2.

Is this good, bad, or meh? “After first being hired to run the “Godzilla” universe writing room, “Krampus” director Michael Dougherty has now been tapped to direct the next installment in the monster movie franchise as well.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that he’s directed.  And I kind of want the next Godzilla to be as good as the last one.

Only… better lit this time, OK?

Last season of Samurai Jack March starts 11th.

Available on Adult Swim, for everybody who has cable (i.e., people who are not me).  My instant-assessment:

  • Good news: they’re going to finish up the story.
  • Bad news: only 10 episodes.
  • You-tell-me news: “For those who haven’t been following the development, the series will be notably more gory and adult themed than the original run of the series. “

I half-worry about that last one. But it’s only half-worry because, after all, it’s not the kids who were clamoring for more Samurai Jack. It’s adults, and we can probably all handle some more gore at this point.

Tweet of the Day, Yes, Obi-wan, You Really Should edition.

Hey.  We all yelled something like that at the screen, didn’t we? …What, that was just me?  Well, dammit, you missed an opportunity, then.