Category: music
‘Let It Go.’
Was expecting something else, but this is pretty.
‘Son of a Scoundrel.’
Son of a Scoundrel, Liam Gerner
Not my favorite version, but not bad. Mind you, it lacks the critical third verse that ties the whole thing together.
‘No Rain.’
‘No Sleep Till Brooklyn.’
No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Beastie Boys
I kind of expect a lot of ‘attitude’ music choices this year. Go figure…
‘Let the River Run.’
I very much miss the NYC of my mid to late-twenties.
‘How to Read Sheet Music.’
Saw this on Facebook. I have enough knowledge of sheet music to get that special ‘hurts when I laugh’ reaction; and since I don’t know that much about sheet music, I figure that other people will get a chuckle out of it, too. I have no idea if it’s funny to people who actually can read sheet music, though. So… sorry in advance?
‘In the Mood.’
‘Title of the Song.’
Renewed desire to listen to this group.