Spell seed: Hacked.

Hacked – Google Docs


Hacked is a subtle, but potentially deadly spell: when cast on a person, it makes him think that he’s deleted a comment on social media without posting it, when in reality he’s just hit Enter. The spell also alters the victim’s short-term memory so that he does not actually remember writing the comment in the first place. If the victim is not currently posting on social media when Hacked is cast, the spell stays in place for eight hours, then dissipates. Continue reading Spell seed: Hacked.

Tweet of the Day, There Should Be A Nicolas Cage RPG.

A biographical one. The man clearly gets himself into a variety of scrapes. Or maybe just a Crazy Celebrity game? Hmm…

In the Mail: Call of Cthulhu RPG, Seventh Edition.

This edition of Call of Cthulhu was Kickstarted, but I never got around to backing it.  Lots of stuff going on at the time.  But I had to order something recently (mildly long, not particularly relevant, story), so I figured that I’d grab it.

It’s certainly a very pretty book; the Kickstarter seems to have paid for things like color printing, extensive illustrations, and a bookmark.  I particularly like the inclusion of maps of both Arkham and Lovecraft’s Massachusetts in general; such things are useful for harried GMs trying to shoehorn imaginary locations into real maps.  As to the mechanics… I dunno. Haven’t played it yet.  My regular gaming circle isn’t really big on horror RPGs anyway.  But everybody’s raving about it, so I figure that it can’t be that much of a disaster.

In Nomine Revisited: The Insidious Psionic Llama Conspiracy.

Mentioned it earlier.

Insidious Psionic Llama Conspiracy – Google Docs


The Insidious Psionic Llama Conspiracy

(Uses my fan-generated In Nomine Psionic rules)

Llamas (regular)
Corporeal Forces: 2              Strength: 3 Agility: 5
Ethereal Forces: 0                 Intelligence: 0 Precision: 0
Celestial Forces: 1                Will: 2 Perception: 2

Skills: Fighting/1, Running/1
Advantages: Psionic (Telereceive only)
Psionic Discipline: Telepathy/3
Psionic Skills: Emotion Sense/2, Telereceive/3

Llamas are domesticated quadruped herbivores indigenous to South America: like their close cousins the camels, they make useful pack animals (albeit ones that spit), but llamas are notably better-tempered about their lot in life.  This particular species is generally used more for their carrying capacity than for anything else, as special variants were created for their wool.  Llamas also make fairly decent sheep-herders, for herbivores.  In other words, there’s not precisely a call for them in North America – a place already with all the horses, sheep and domesticated dogs that one could want.

So why are there llama-breeding farms cropping up here, anyway? Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Insidious Psionic Llama Conspiracy.

Whipraffes. [The Day After Ragnarok]

Whipraffes – Google Docs



[The Day After Ragnarok]


The southern coil of the Serpent slammed down right in the middle of giraffe territories in Africa.  The miasmic poisons still rising off of the Serpent’s dead hide reliably mutates giraffes into vicious carnivores with snake-like necks; they use their heads as living clubs, stunning prey before the whipraffe eats it alive with razor-sharp teeth. Fortunately, Whipraffes are not poisonous; unfortunately, they hunt in packs (1d4+1).

Continue reading Whipraffes. [The Day After Ragnarok]

Survival (Mundane) [GURPS 4e]

Survival (Mundane) – Google Docs


Survival (Mundane) [Per/Average]

Defaults: Perception-5, Occultism-3, or Urban Survival-4


This skill counts as a ‘land’ skill in terms of determining defaults (at -6) from other Survival specialities.  It is generally learned by supernatural creatures, monsters, extra-dimensional visitors, or anyone else who needs to survive in mortal or mundane environments. It is typically used to ‘blend in’ temporarily, avoid and survive areas that are dangerous to supernatural creatures, and of course figure out how to move around freely (vampires in particular often use this skill to work around the ‘cannot enter unless invited’ problem).  Mortals can learn the skill, but mostly just to teach it.

Continue reading Survival (Mundane) [GURPS 4e]

GURPS is, appropriately, 23% off for Gen Con.

23% because fnord.  However, I don’t think that that includes the print on demand stuff, but I can wholeheartedly recommend GURPS Vorkosigan Saga, even if you don’t play RPGs.  It’s got a lot of information about Lois McMaster Bujold’s universe in it, all nicely organized and laid out.  …You do read Bujold, I hope? I’d hate to think that any of my readers might be missing out on one of the best science fiction / fantasy writers I can think off offhand.

Adventure Seed: The Knockerhood.

Knockerhood – Google Docs

The Knockerhood


For as long as men have gone down into mines, they have told stories about mining spirits.  Sometimes the spirits were considered malevolent, but more often — particularly in the British Isles — they were essentially seen as being benevolent entities who would warn human miners of dangerous conditions. The Cornish and Welsh called them Knockers, or Bucca; and, like all good tale-telling traditionalists, the miners brought the idea of the Knockers along when immigrating to America.  


Where the Knockers promptly joined the union.

Continue reading Adventure Seed: The Knockerhood.