Geek Fu [GURPS 4E]

Geek Fu – Google Docs


Geek Fu [13/18]


In a world where everybody knows kung fu — like, say, the worlds of ever so many martial arts movies — the martial arts style learned and used by roleplaying geeks would have to be an interesting one indeed.  Geek Fu is a ‘soft’ style: it teaches observation and evasion, not hand strikes. In keeping with it’s not-quite-serious tone, Geek Fu teaches the best way to use a trench coat (Cloak), Doctor Who scarf (Whip), and linked dice bags (Bolas) effectively; practitioners also learn how to throw their dice more, ah, pointedly.

Continue reading Geek Fu [GURPS 4E]

Two days to go on The Yellow King RPG Kickstarter…

…so now would be the time to jump in on this project that really drills down deep into the Yellow Sign and Carcosa and the King in Yellow and the rest of it.  As I think I’ve mentioned before: The Hastur Mythos is probably our generation’s contribution to the horror genre, and I’ve seen the raw files that are going to make up this supplement.  There’s genuinely good stuff, here: if you run horror games, you’re going to want to at least take a look at this.  Especially since I rather badly want to get some of the remaining stretch goals fulfilled.  Which ones? Won’t say. Better get ’em all, just to be safe.

In Nomine Revisited: Fear and Loathing in the Marches.

Fear and Loathing in the Marches – Google Docs

I wrote this one, back when Hunter S. Thompson went out the way that I think we all expected him to go out, the poor bastard. I think that it holds up well.  It was one of those stories where all I needed was the first line, and I was off and running.


Fear and Loathing in the Marches

An In Nomine Story

The only thing that really worried me was the ethereal. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Fear and Loathing in the Marches.

Voting on the ENnies has begun.

The ENnies being an annual award for tabletop roleplaying games, of course. I have voted, but will not be telling anyone else how to vote.  Suffice it to say that there were a large number of innovative and entertaining games made over the last year, including hopefully a few that my readers are now familiar with.

Also, possibly there’s a new game or two in there that you might find of interest.

Creature Seed: Torpedo Bees.

Torpedo Bees – Google Docs

Torpedo Bees

perdita floridensis diabolicus

[The Day After Ragnarok]
Prior to the Serpentfall, these Floridian bees were small, inoffensive, and were aquatic in their larval and pupal stage.  Being drowned under the obscenely mutagenic impact of tons of Serpent-tainted seawater has made their descendants much larger (6 to 8 inches), exceptionally aggressive, and fully amphibious.  A Torpedo Bee can fly at full speed in water and air.

Continue reading Creature Seed: Torpedo Bees.

Four days to go on the Yellow King RPG Kickstarter…

…and if you’ve been holding out on said Kickstarter because you wanted them to cough up the good stuff, well, Robin Laws has been coughing up the good stuff.  This is going to be an aesthetically pleasing RPG, in addition to being probably an interesting classic of the horror gaming genre. So go ahead and plop down the money. Or not, because Carcosa awaits, either way.

So, you might as well plop the money anyway.

Item: The Imperial Crown of America.

Imperial Crown of America – Google Docs


The Imperial Crown of America


This particular artifact enjoys a certain reputation in the occult underworld. After all, seldom do you see a vicious practical joke presented in such an expensive, if not actively obscenely extravagant, style.  The Crown itself clearly owes its conceptional design to the infamous works of Robert Chambers: it is a diadem of beaten gold with multiple faceted diamonds, with inlaid carvings that suggests tentacles, seaweed, the tattered silk of a pallid and faceless King… you know the drill.  It’s really made out of gold, by the way, and those are real diamonds.  Which means that the thing is ridiculously heavy, but never mind that right now.

Continue reading Item: The Imperial Crown of America.

Item Seed: the 2013 Tucker Tornado.

2013 Tucker Tornado – Google Docs

2013 Tucker Tornado


This car came flying out of an anomalous sudden cyclone just north of Sydney on June 19, 2017; while the car itself suffered only minor scuffing damage, everything organic inside (including the three human passengers) was dead.  And ‘everything’ means everything.  Some of the sealed objects and surfaces inside were more sterile than an operating room.  The car itself is a very nice four-door sedan, light blue in color, in reasonably good shape but still showing some wear.  The brakes and steering are on the standard American automobile pattern, but it’s powered by a kerosene burning steam engine and there isn’t a single transistor in the vehicle (or on the bodies).  What electronics there are uses strictly vacuum tube technology.

Continue reading Item Seed: the 2013 Tucker Tornado.

Slowish night.

Spent a bit of it trying to figure out the best breakpoint for an alternate timeline where, for reasons never really explained, nation-states above a certain population level tend to break in half.  I was using the USA for my target number — I wanted to get about five countries out of it — but that leaves a paradoxical amount of too many countries being affected, and not enough.  Turns out that using a number of about 70,000,000 million leaves Europe (outside of Russia) pretty much intact, and gives India/China both just not enough countries that I’d have to do something more than make up lines on a map.

So, yeah, I’ve been playing with spreadsheets.  Ah, the glamorous life of the amateur gaming writer.