Tweet of the Day, I Would Have A Two-Word Response… edition.

…and the second word would be ‘off.’

Via @DaddyWarpig.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t know if it’s staged, actually. It’s almost too good a letter, but there’s nobody as entitled as a HOA officer. Even when it comes to non-HOA members; heck, especially when it comes to non-HOA members. Seven-five and pick ’em on whether you should believe this one, honestly.

10/02/2024 Snippet, THE GOBLIN.

I don’t know whether to put up the truly horrible bits here. Because some horrible bits are coming.

You didn’t want to dry-gulch an elf while he was inspecting an elf-wood clearing, because that was exactly when he would be paying most attention to his surroundings. Picking him off before or after he got there just left you the vist to deal with anyway. So you needed the two together, only both distracted. There left a couple of good times to intervene, but you had to be careful then, too. Elves can move fast, when they’re not distracted. The important thing was to call your shot, so I waited until things just felt right.

I don’t know why the elves make vist do either submission ritual out in the open — no, wait, I do. No elf would ever drug or swive a vist in a vist shack, or really do anything else in one. If you think my contempt for the vist is vast, it’s nothing compared to the elves. They never miss a chance to demonstrate just how more important the elves are than everything else on this world, and a vist drug submission pushes a lot of elvish buttons. Probably even more than the swiving does, even. Alas for the elf, he was too engrossed at the sight of a vist writhing in ecstatic delirium from the drug to notice my approach until I was two feet behind him. That’s the nice part of an elf-wood. No leaves, no loam, just hard-packed dirt that soaked up sound.

New October Project: An Expansion of DARK HISTORY (TTRPG).

DARK HISTORY was my proof-of-concept where I took a bunch of spooky stuff and threw it together as an RPG supplement. Non-commercial, and I got a good idea of what that kind of project entailed. Now I’m going to work on an expanded version of it, to put up on DriveThruRPG. I need to edit and use some clip art to make it, but that’s okay. It’s something to do when I’m not doing stories.

Moe Lane

PS: Check out my other RPG stuff here. Assume a similar price.

It is FINALLY October.

I have been looking forward to some Spooky Month (as my kids call it) for a while now. Gonna try to get a bunch of content up, watch some scary films, obviously take my eldest on a haunted trail or two, and just generally enjoy Halloween. It’s a fun holiday, when you have kids.

Now if I can just get the weather to behave (cool, clear, and breezy at night), that would be perfect.

I may be having conversations with people about the Fermi Resolution RPG.

As everyone who is interested already knows, the Fermi Resolution RPG is mostly done. A buddy of mine in the TTRPG space may know a couple of people who would be interested in doing the layout work necessary to make it into something sellable. If I do that, the tentative plan then would be to funding it by trying out Backerkit’s crowdfunding platform, and see how that goes. I’ve heard really good stuff from people who have used it for direct crowdfunding, and certainly Backerkit’s customer service is excellent.

So keep watching the skies!

Shattered Space is out for Starfield.

So I’ve been playing it. Well, after they got Starfield Script Extender to work, at least. One entertaining thing that’s come up is Bethesda’s weird little habit of trying to pump up the drama of having my character join yet another faction. I’m always amused by that. Like I’m going to buy the DLC and not play it? So yeah, yeah, hail the Great Serpent and show me the cool ship I’m gonna have at the end of this which I’ll never fly because I actually got the corridors* to work right on my current starship. And I can go from one level to another without having to jump down some stairs.

Sorry. It’s just that it took forever to figure out how to do that. I’m gonna brag about it.

*Starfield desperately needs some designated four-way and two-way corridors that are clearly labeled. They got it working for Fallout 4, they can get it working here.


10/01/2024 Snippet, THE GOBLIN.

So, hey, you know how I don’t do grim, much?

Yeah, the rules are gonna be different, this month. Starting with how I’m going to try to do a 3K story every week for Patreon, just because I want to icepick a couple of ideas instead of lingering over them. I’m also going to be invoking more horror this month, too. Just because.

The Goblin

It’s an elvish lie that we can only come out when it’s dark. There I was, deep in the elf-wood, wasn’t I? Right in the middle of the Bright, too. No bursting into flames, no screaming at the light, none of that. Thanks to my goggles, I wasn’t even squinting. See? Total lie.

The elves know it’s a lie, too. They just tell the vist different to keep them in their hovels at night, and too afraid to go far into the woods. I mean, sure, my people do stay out of the Bright unless we have a reason to be out and about then, but that’s just to make it harder for the enemy to see us.

It’s tricky, hunting your prey in an elf-wood. The trees kill everything that isn’t them, so there’s no brush or thickets to hide in, and any branches that fall off dry out and break up within a couple of days. I had to slip from tree to tree, trusting in my bark-colored cloak and ability to guess when it was safe to move. It also helped that I knew where the prey was going, more or less. There aren’t many places in an elf-wood that are different from each other, and I had already scouted out them all.

I try to be prepared ahead of time like that.

Happy 100th Birthday, Jimmy Carter.

…That’s it. Happy birthday. The man hit one hundred years old today, and is in hospice. I’m not mean. Besides, Carter set in motion the movement to give Americans drinkable beer again. I was there when the beer renaissance happened, and I’m absolutely grateful for it.

So, you know: fair’s fair, and all that.