Obama’s Organizing for America targets… Evan Bayh.

No, you’re not misremembering. Bayh’s a Democrat.

Fresh from their general campaign last Saturday of utterly failing to convincing Congress to do anything, Organizing for America is now engaged in regional spamming of their email lists to go after of individual legislators considered either hostile or insufficiently favorable to the President’s plan to saddle the next three generations with even more crushing, unnecessary debt. This is primarily targeting Republicans: in fact, based on admittedly extremely limited communications with other people who might get spammed, I’m concluding OFA is not generically targeting Democrats. But they did go after Evan Bayh:

OFA sent an email to Indiana residents on Wednesday asking them to phone Republican Rep. Steve Buyer, Republican Sen. Richard Lugar and Democratic Sen. Bayh to let them “know where you stand on President Obama’s budget.”

Bayh has been one of the Democratic party’s most outspoken members against President Obama’s spending, penning recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal to outline his opposition to the $410 billion omnibus bill the Obama signed. He also announced he leading a 15-member working group of moderate Senate Democrats last week. Bayh said the group was informally called “the practical caucus.”

Bayh, of course, is hated by progressives – it’s one of his more endearing traits, really – and he’s certainly been on the administration’s radar since he announced his so-called “Gang of Fifteen.” While supposedly there were no public problems between the White House and the centrist Democrats over this unwillingness of the latter to blindly follow the former over the cliff*, it’s not really a secret that President Obama likes to have deniable proxies do his dirty work for him**. Which is probably why Bayh is scheduled to be personally targeted by Moveon.org, Campaign for America’s Future, USAction, and the rest of the usual suspects: apostasy is always the worst of sins to the True Believer.

Speaking as a Republican, I wholeheartedly support this activity, and think that it should be encouraged. Although I think that there are limits.

Moe Lane

*Note that they might still do it anyway.

**Eric Flint, in writing of Henry Clay in 1824: The Arkansas War:

Granted, Clay had always been a rough political fighter, even if he wore gloves. Porter had admired that trait in times past, and he wouldn’t have objected if the gloves came off. The problem was that Henry was doing the opposite as time went on. He was adding more gloves at the same time his blows were getting lower.

Crossposted to RedState.

Meet the man that’s been atom-bombed twice.

I can’t decide if this guy’s the luckiest or the unluckiest living man on the planet:

Japan has certified a man aged 93 as the only known survivor of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both hit by atomic bombs towards the end of World War II.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a business trip on 6 August 1945 when a US plane dropped the first atomic bomb.

He suffered serious burns and spent a night there before returning to his home city of Nagasaki just before it was bombed on 9 August.

The survival of two bombings, plus the fact that he’s still alive sixty years later (and reasonably healthy) argues for “lucky:” but the fact that we’re talking about being caught in two nuclear blasts makes “lucky” almost a cruel word in this context. Your call, and may we never need to drop another nuke anyway.

Terry McAuliffe at GOP-run fundraiser!

I was going to say that R.S. McCain should use this picture for nefarious purposes later, although this is pretty nefarious on its own. The photo is presumably from this fundraiser that Ed Rodger’s BGR threw for McAuliffe (for purely personal reasons: Rogers and McAuliffe are friends) for his governor’s bid; and it’s apparently really, really, really annoying rival Democrat Brian Moran. McAuliffe’s responding here; it promises to be quite the little knife-fight. Not that I’d suggest that this was the intent all along.

Meanwhile, you can donate to the Republican candidate Bob McDonnell over here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

There’s a week to go until NY-20.

They had a debate last night, where Tedisco hit Murphy over the ‘stimulus’ bill that the former opposes and the latter supports. Congressional Democrats are hungry for this race, no matter that Obama/DNC (I repeat myself) don’t want to get involved.


We’re making the Democratic Party spend money on a race that their own ideology says that they should be winning handily, and they’re losing it anyway. Now is the time to keep pushing this.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Regarding prohibited activities under HR 1388 (The GIVE Act)

While I understand the concerns of both Gateway Pundit and Dan Collins of Protein Wisdom Pub about restrictions made on individuals affected by HR 1388 – I don’t particularly trust the government, either – this particular situation is both more and less worrisome than you might think. Which is an impressive trick, really.

Continue reading Regarding prohibited activities under HR 1388 (The GIVE Act)

Code Pink’s ongoing humiliation.

Or, the neocons induct its newest member.

In one of the more memorable television moments yesterday, the lunatic Democratic fringe group known as Code Pink got smacked in public for being, well, Code Pink:

I understand that there are some people for whom rational discussion is not an appropriate means of expressing themselves. You are entitled to do that in general, but not in a way that interrupts those of us who are trying to have rational discussions… I do not know how you think you advance any cause to which you might be attached by this kind of silliness.

Who said it? Clearly a hardcore neoconservative or war hawk, yes? Bobby Jindal? Tom Coburn? Sarah Palin? Thad McCotter? Mark Sanford? Marsha Blackburn?

Nope. Barney Frank.

Continue reading Code Pink’s ongoing humiliation.

Paid? People on the Right get *paid* to blog?

One of the results from the pledge drive post that I put together for my RedState colleague Caleb is his report of all the people who emailed him going “Don’t you guys have a pay structure at RedState?”

Err… no.  Various and sundry did get a bit from the Eagle buyout in 2007, but I’m not seeing a dime to blog over there now.  I do get free access to the front page of an influential and respected conservative blog, which makes it easily well worth my time to post there – but I’m not actually getting paid for it.  From what I can tell, very few people on the Right-sphere actually do.

Just clearing that up, in case any random conservative plutocrats happen to be wandering by.

Moe Lane

NRCC raises 6 million in March Dinner.

Bobby Jindal can draw a crowd, it seems.

NRCC raises $6 million for annual dinner

The National Republican Congressional Committee raised more than $6 million for tonight’s annual March Dinner, surpassing its goal for the event.

95 percent of the GOP House Conference contributed to the event, the committee announced.

For those following at home, that will mostly wipe out the NRCC’s existing debt, assuming that they apply it accordingly; it’s also about a million more than their goal of $5 million. This dinner’s usually a good fundraiser for the GOP; in fact. The Democrats’ first fundraising dinner is of course tomorrow, and is for the DNC: President Obama will be the highlight of the evening.

If you want to go to that, by the way, tickets are still available.