So, why Reid’s unseemly haste in Franken retreat?

Background here, here, and here. It’s odd, particularly since the time frame that Reid’s talking about is almost certainly going to be less time than it would take to actually resolve the election. Call me nuts, but it’s almost as if Senator Reid had been tipped the wink that somebody in Franken’s employ was about to find himself in trouble. Potentially campaign-ending trouble.

But I couldn’t possibly begin to speculate what that trouble could be.

Crossposted at RedState.

Geez, AFSCME. Man up.

[Update]: Welcome, Instapundit readers: alas, Cantor’s press guy has already fallen on his sword for this one. A pity.

Language warning (which is why it’s not on RedState):

Rep. Cantor’s office sent this around in response to you doing as Obama bid when he didn’t get kowtowed to on his debt bill, and what’s your response? You started crying like a bully who got smacked back in the nose.

Pathetic. If you’re not ready to take a hit, don’t take a swing.

Wanted the movie vs. Wanted the comic: Whoa.

I mean, I get that movies often diverge from their subject material.  And the author Mark Millar is apparently cool with what happened here, so I’m not disapproving.

But still: compare Wanted the movie with  “Wanted” the comic book series.  It’s impressively different, even by Hollywood standards.  Not quite American Hero / Wag the Dog territory, but still impressive.

H/T: Backward Compatible

Dem’s ethical troubles “reminiscent?” Well, this week, at least.

“Rust never sleeps.

[UPDATE] Oh, this just got better. Via Hot Air:

Lobbyist Inquiry Appears to Be Widening

WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors are looking into the possibility that a prominent lobbyist may have funneled bogus campaign contributions to his mentor, Representative John P. Murtha, as well as other lawmakers, two people familiar with the investigator’s questions said Tuesday.

(H/T: Instapundit) But by the time we’re done, the word will be “dwarves*”:

Dems’ ethical troubles reminiscent of GOPers’ headaches as majority

Despite President Obama’s repeated pledge to usher in a new, more ethical climate in Washington, House Democrats’ ethical troubles have begun to resemble those the GOP had when it occupied the majority just three years ago.

In many ways, the developments are more difficult for Democrats because they rose to power, at least in part, by vowing to right the ethical wrongs of the past.

And now Democratic leaders are facing new ethics questions as a senior Democrat is under fire for his ties to two firms under FBI investigation.

Continue reading Dem’s ethical troubles “reminiscent?” Well, this week, at least.

I’m surprised that this hasn’t seen more play.

After all, we have a Democrat as President: it’s acceptable to pretend to be for freedom and democracy again.

(Via Holger Awakens, via

Three things:
1). What do we know about this guy? Or when it was made?
2). If we had listened to Obama in 2006, this guy would probably be dead right now.
3). Not In Your Name, antiwar movement.
Not then.
Not now.
Not ever.

Crossposted at RedState.

Hey! Virginia’s taking debt bill suggestions!

At $48,604,163.15 it’s a steal.

No, really: right here.

Nope, they’re not restricting it. You can just email ’em and start.

Yup, they want your input. They think.

So, what’s stopping people from sending in every obnoxiously expensive and/or silly suggestion that they can think of?

Now, who would do a horrible thing like that?

Moe Lane

PS: Idea via… somebody who I am waiting for an email back from before I give credit. Continue reading Hey! Virginia’s taking debt bill suggestions!

One of the meaner slams against the Left’s…

… agents that I’ve seen lately. Specifically, a fairly mean slam of both Americans United for Change & AFSCME.  You just need to look at it for a second to figure out why.

Ach, well: to use Robert Anton Wilson‘s line, the Democrats meant well. Or at least they meant something.

Crossposted at RedState.

Gawker notes that it got Rahm Emanuel in trouble…

here (Via Hot Air Headlines). It unfortunately does not note to its readers the minor detail that Rahm Emanuel employed Stan Greenberg’s polling firm as both a Congressman and as Chair of the DCCC, which makes the arrangement a good deal less of an “oops” and more of a “can we see those contracts you signed with them again?”

Crossposted at RedState.

Palate cleanser: Fitzgerald to stay on as US Attorney.

Well, this cheers me up after the last story. Via Hot Air Headlines:

Blago, Libby prosecutor to stay on

Patrick Fitzgerald, the U.S. attorney in Chicago who brought criminal fraud charges against Rod Blagojevich, will be staying in his job in the Obama administration, even though he was appointed to the position by President George W. Bush.


But Fitzgerald will not be asked to move on. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois has recommended that Eric Holder, the new attorney general, keep Fitzgerald. That suggestion was “positively received,” according to officials at the Justice Department and Sen. Durbin’s office.

Mind you, failure to do this at least would have been… remarked upon.

Crossposted at RedState.