I might have known:

NEW YORK, NY – US Airways flight 1549 made an emergency water landing in the Hudson River just after 3:30pm yesterday afternoon. Initial reports suggesting the plane struck a flock of geese have been dismissed with the discovery of new evidence confirming that the plane struck and killed the religious icon Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Two observations (aside from the usual, which is that I love the Weekly World News)

Looking for something to read? (Harry Turtledove)

(Today’s guy: Harry Turtledove)

I’m actually not a very good book reviewer, mostly because I… I have no idea why, actually.  I’m just not.  You don’t hear very many people matter-of-factly answer Because I just suck at it to that particular question, which is a shame.  There’d be less time wasted if more people did.

Well, despite my sucking at book reviewing, I recommend that you pick up Harry Turtledove’s The Man with the Iron Heart if you were or are at all relieved at the way that the Surge turned out.  Or if you have a Lefty friend whose perception you want to test.

Continue reading Looking for something to read? (Harry Turtledove)

Federal bureaucrats graciously choose to let the thrift store industry live.

That title should grate.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has apparently decided that they don’t feel like holding the bag for Nancy Pelosi’s inability to write a functional consumer protection bill: Continue reading Federal bureaucrats graciously choose to let the thrift store industry live. counts off “The 12 Most God Awful Tribute Albums Ever Recorded”

It’s… pretty bad, yeah.

How bad

#1 on the list is The String Quartet Tribute to Limp Bizkit.

This is the one. This is the album that should really just signal the end of music. Someone with a real background in music had to arrange these songs. A classically trained cellist had to read sheet music titled “N 2 Gether Now.” At one point in rehearsals, a real-live conductor probably had to say “Okay, gang, let’s take it from ‘Now I know y’all be lovin’ this shit right here.'” Where does music go from here? Where do any of us go from here? How can anyone go on in life knowing that this album exists? Anyone? Hello?!


I’m sorry, but some of these “superuseless superpowers”…

…are actually useful. Lukewarm touch? Molten lava. Ultra short range teleportation? That’d get you through a window without opening/breaking it, no problem at all. Complementary Chameleon? Air Search and Rescue will hire you on the spot.

Superuseless Superpowers
is a pretty cool site. I look forward to seeing more of these.

Update: Professor Caleb from comments is disputing my argument on the teleportation thing, and he’s even got a diagram, so it must be Science!;

I personally think that the entire thing can be explained away mathematically if you assume that the thing being teleported is defined as being one-dimensional. Yes, yes, yes: “assume the cow is a sphere.” Clearly I need to read Fear of Physics.

What? In what alternate universe is there a “cloud” over Rangel?

“It’s a new day, and Mr. Rangel is part of that new day,” Levin said.

The Democrats have made it clear that they don’t give a tinker’s dam about Rep Rangel’s numerous ethical lapses, as even this Politico article makes clear (via Instapundit):
Continue reading What? In what alternate universe is there a “cloud” over Rangel?

Happy not-quite-ending for war hero’s widow and son.

(H/T: Technomancy for Fun and Profit)

Quick background: last year, USMC Sgt. Michael Ferschke was killed in Iraq while conducting door-to-door searches. He left behind his Okinawan-born, pregnant wife Hotaru Ferschke, who he had married a month before by proxy; and, of course, there were problems with her visa. Wizbang wrote about it here and here; Senator Lamar Alexander‘s (R-TN) office has been working on getting this fixed from the start, of course (I understand that some other (Tennessee?) lawmakers also assisted, but I couldn’t find details); between them and the USMC, they’ve made arrangements for Mrs. Ferschke to enter the country on a temporary visa, now that her son is born (more here).
Continue reading Happy not-quite-ending for war hero’s widow and son.