Day 4 of the 7th Sea 2nd Edition Kickstarter / birthday gift pledge drive.

goal-thermometer-newWe are definitely chugging along on the 7th Sea Kickstarter pay-for-my-wife’s-character’s-RPG-immortality pledge drive, here; although strict accuracy requires that I note that I tapped family members for this one.  You would not believe how difficult it is to shop for my wife… what am I saying?  Probably most of the people reading this are impossible to shop for, are involved with someone who is impossible to shop for, or both.  Admittedly, in our cases it’s largely the problem that people will find it difficult to accept that, yes, please, Amazon gift cards.  There’s nothing wrong with Amazon gift cards.  We dream about getting Amazon gift cards for our birthdays and Christmases.

But I digress.  I’m well and truly committed at this point: somebody snapped up the $500 pledge level I abandoned for the $1,000 one.  I hope that that person yelled Woo-hoo! when he or she noticed that the level was now open again.  It pleases me to think that I made the day of somebody that I don’t even know; it tastes of June mornings when the sun is up, but there was rain the night before and the breeze can’t decide whether to be warm or cool. Continue reading Day 4 of the 7th Sea 2nd Edition Kickstarter / birthday gift pledge drive.

No Guts, No Glory: Day Three of the 7th Sea 2nd Edition Kickstarter wife’s present pledge drive.

goal-thermometer-new Much better day yesterday.  In fact, $400 out of $500 makes it a qualified success; I have a limited but reliable income stream that would guarantee whatever shortages remain.  My general thanks for everybody who contributed (you’ll all get personal ones later) .So… I guess that’s gonna get Mrs. Lane’s favorite 7th Sea character officially into 7th Sea Canon. Which is awesome.

…But, and to quote the lovely and experienced Mrs. Marion Ravenwood Williams Jones: that will get her there, but not in style.  What the hell: I never know what to get my wife for her birthday anyway.  A “full color, half-page portrait of your character in a forthcoming sourcebook, along with a full description of the character’s adventures and misdeeds” sounds like it might do the trick.  So: no guts, no glory. Continue reading No Guts, No Glory: Day Three of the 7th Sea 2nd Edition Kickstarter wife’s present pledge drive.

The unfortunate goose egg that was Day 2 of the 7th Sea Kickstarter Valentine pledge drive.

goal-thermometerWoe! WOE! We are undone!

Yes, alas: no pledges yesterday.  I am sunk into the Stygian murk of existential despair and aggravated mopery.  …Which apparently primarily means “the action of committing a minor or petty offense such as loitering.”  ‘Aggravated loitering’ doesn’t really have the same ring to it, does it?  Makes me sound like some dude from the late Victorian period who just goes around complaining how his life is just like that Oscar Wilde play, man. …No, not the one about the fan.  The other one, with the cucumber sandwiches.


So, yeah, Victorian hipsters.  Anyway, the pledge drive continues on none the less.  I shall endeavor, as they say, to persevere.
Continue reading The unfortunate goose egg that was Day 2 of the 7th Sea Kickstarter Valentine pledge drive.

The second day of the second edition of the 7th Sea Second Edition kickstarter pledge drive.

goal-thermometer Yeah. Kind of an unwieldy title.

Anyway, the first day of the second iteration of the 7th Sea Kickstarter pledge drive is going well. As always, let me remind folks: if there’s a bunch of people out there who need the money more, well, I’m not hurting for cash. Although I’m always happy to shake the tip jar, of course.

I’m trying to decide how long to run this one, if only because the daily posts start clogging up the feed.  A… week, I guess? Or until I hit $500, I suppose.  See, if I had been smart about this I would have screwed my courage to the sticking place and made the goal $1,000: at that level my wife’s PC gets a half-page splash page and a color picture in one of the books.  But a grand is a lot of household money to put up and I wanted to lock in the current present. Ach, well: that tier is going to fill up soon anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Thank you.

The Second Edition of the 7th Sea Second Edition Kickstarter Pledge Drive!

“Let me explain.  No, there is too much. Let me sum up:” 7th Sea Kickstarter, $500 unlocked an ultimate Valentine’s Day gift for the wife (her favorite character as an important NPC), I started a pledge drive, people put up money, all the $500 slots got filled, I immediately returned people’s money*, the end. Very sad, but what can you do?

7th seaHowever, due to the fact that the 7th Sea Kickstarter is going INSANELY well – turns out that people meant it when they kept asking Why won’t John Wick let me throw money at him? – so the $500 tier got opened up again. AND THIS TIME I WAS SMART ABOUT THINGS.  I – and apparently fourteen other people** – had that page loaded up well ahead of time so that we could frantically mash keys and mutter Come on come on work workwork load page load page accept accept process I AM THE NERD KING within seconds of the tier becoming available. Witness! …Err, the image to the left. Continue reading The Second Edition of the 7th Sea Second Edition Kickstarter Pledge Drive!

The Looming 7th Sea Kickstarter Fund Drive. [CLOSED]

Lemme explain this one. 7th Sea, for folks who don’t know, is a Swashbuckling, Musketeers and Pirates and maybe a little Horror behind the scenes RPG that my wife and I used to play; both separately, and in the same campaign. I enjoyed it, she loved it. The Kickstarter for a Second Edition starts up tomorrow.

goal-thermometerThat’s not what I’m fundraising.  I easily have the cash I’d need to get all the books, no problem, no worries. However… if I can put together $500, I understand that I can add a player-character to that game world… and by GOD my wife’s favorite character would be perfect for that game line. My characters?  …Well, I had fun with them, and they were good characters, but they weren’t legitimately special like my wife’s best one was.

So, this is what I’m doing. On the left is all the cash I have at my disposal. I’m going to put up the button below. If you feel like buying my wife a present – and you do not have to feel obligated to chip in to buy my wife a present – feel free to do so.  If I don’t make it to $500 on this one, I refund your money. If they use up all the slots on the Kickstarter before I get the cash together, I refund your money. If you can’t be hassled with a refund, I’ll spend it on her for something else.  …A spa, or something. She could use a spa afternoon. Well, so couldn’t we all.

Oh, and when the Kickstarter drops: 7th Sea is an AWESOME game. I’ve been wanting them to Kickstart this one for, like, forever.

[UPDATE: It funded in moments, and the $500 pledge levels washed away like sugar cubes in a hurricane. I’ve already refunded everybody’s money.]

So… since they’re bringing back all the RPG lines anyway, which ones do you want back?

God bless crowdfunding, huh? – Because half the stuff that I played or read when I was a kid is getting updated or reprinted or whatnot.  But only half; which is bad. And yet, good, because maybe it’ll get rejuvenated later. Personally, there are two games that I want to see come back, more than any other.

  • The first is something called In Nomine, by Steve Jackson Games: angels and demons fighting it out on planet Earth, in pretty much any way that you can imagine. I loved the setting, and I can still think in it, if I take the time to. And I flatter myself that I had a reasonably interesting take on the game world.
  • The other? 7th Sea, by Alderac Entertainment Group. You know how swashbuckler films go?  Yeah, it’s like that.  This is more playing-nostalgia than writing-nostalgia; I was in a couple of absolutely awesome campaigns there, and I wouldn’t mind AEG updating the game to the new edition.

What about you folks? Remember: many things are possible, now.  Many, many things.

Two seafaring songs by my wife.

I’m not exactly sure why she was sniggering when she sent me the link to these: the “Crew of  Seven Hundred” is a war song about a captain trying to find a way to patch her ship, while “The Small Sword Song” is essentially about a job interview.

Maybe because they were both written for her 7th Sea game?

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, yeah, I’m also supposed to mention that you may want to not click those songs at work.  I’m not sure why: it’s not like there are any dirty words in them.