Oh, look. Another insecure atheist group* acting badly.

And they wonder why people can’t stand them.

The Wadena city council voted unanimously but hesitantly to remove a beloved nativity scene from a city park Tuesday night.

Mayor George Deiss says for as long as anyone in Wadena can remember the nativity scene has been displayed at Burlington Northern Park. It used to be in the band shell, but was moved to the heart of the park last year and caught the eye of a resident.

Continue reading Oh, look. Another insecure atheist group* acting badly.

Yeah, yeah, I know…

…it’s mean-spirited of me to taunt evangelical/hard-shelled/obnoxious atheists like I’ve been doing.  Particularly since I know that the ones I’m taunting absolutely hate being reminded that they’re a somewhat unsophisticated religion masquerading as an inexorably rational end product of flawless classical logic.  On the other hand, they’re a damned easy target and God/Goddess/[insert pantheon here] knows that evangelical atheists aren’t shy about mocking rival faiths themselves.

On the gripping hand, what I said earlier still applies: if you can’t deal (via @adamsbaldwin) with the concept that a bunch of Marines could make and erect a memorial cross on public property… well, that’s your religious crisis, not mine.  I mean, everybody grapples with their faith occasionally: it’s just that most of us (and that includes most atheists) don’t start lawsuits to shut up the little internal voice of doubt…

Moe Lane

PS: I think monetizing this would annoy certain people. So:

#rsrh Atheists suing over 9/11 Cross.

Because… well, to quote Robert Anton Wilson: I’m sure that they mean well.  Or at least they mean something.

In the days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, some workers and mourners at the World Trade Center site seized upon a cross-shaped steel beam found amid the rubble as a symbol of faith and hope.

For the past five years, the 17-foot-tall cross was displayed outside a nearby Catholic church. On Saturday it was moved again, to the site of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, where it is to be in the permanent collection.

But the move quickly provoked a lawsuit from American Atheists, a nonprofit group based in New Jersey.

Continue reading #rsrh Atheists suing over 9/11 Cross.

Annnnnnd the hardshelled atheists largely miss the point, again.

I made a bet with myself that, when I finally tracked down all of the slogans for billboards picked by so-called ‘smiling atheists’ (H/T: @kevinholtsberry), that there were going to be a few where the smiles did not reach the eyes.  Winnowing through… well, let’s see. Continue reading Annnnnnd the hardshelled atheists largely miss the point, again.