New over at Atomic Robo: the Nicodemus Job.

I am absolutely grooving to this Real Science Adventures story from the Atomic Robo folks. The Nicodemus Job is set in Constantinople during the beginning of the First Crusade, and it’s a revenge caper.  You got the Dried Out Investigator, The Wise Older Rogue, The Young Hotshot Rogue, The Forger With A Heart Of Gold, And The Philosophical Bad-Ass, all coming together for One Last Job to take out the Big Bad who they all have history with. It is all very tropy, but as TV Tropes itself has said: Tropes Are Not Bad.

Check it out. I’m finding the ongoing story very appealing.

In the Mail: Tesladyne Field Guide 2013.

Written as if it were, well, a Field Guide for Tesladyne Industries (which exists in the universe of the incomparable Atomic Robo series), it’s quite good. To give you an idea: Chapter Three is titled So, Someone Plugged An Automatic Intelligence Into The Military Industrial Complex And Now There Are Robot Factories Pumping Out Hunter-Killer Drones. It’s not too large, but it was entertaining.

Not available on Amazon, alas, but you can get it here.

Uh-oh: running out of Atomic Robo compilations.

Just got Atomic Robo Volume 8: The Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur in the mail, and – to my sudden horror – realized that Volume has not yet been published.  Sure, it will be at the end of next month… but after that?  I will have been… caught up.  Which means that I will have to wait like everybody else for Volumes 10 and up.  This is slightly disconcerting: I’ve kind of gotten used to having a monthly Atomic Robo fix.

And yeah, I know about the Real Science Adventures.  In a moment of weakness I already ordered both of them.  The odds of me not reading them five minutes after I get them are… low.

In the Mail: the Atomic Robo Roleplaying Game.

…What? I did go back to bed. I apparently needed a three hour map.

Anyway, thanks to the magic of Amazon referrals (thanks!) I picked up the Atomic Robo Roleplaying Game.  Action Science and funky d6 dice!  Doesn’t get any better than that.

Moe Lane

PS: Also grabbed the Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons), but that’s more practical (my group is planning to run a campaign). The Atomic Robo’s for swank.

In the mail (and just read): Atomic Robo 4.

Atomic Robo, Vol. 4: Other Strangeness is the latest one in the series, and I am continually surprised at how simply good this comic is.  My favorite part? Probably that Robo himself gets just how scientifically-dubious his day can get.  “Why do we even have the square-cube law?” …trust me, it’s hysterical in context.

But not nearly as hysterical as Doctor Dinosaur. To be fair: very little is.