Libya Foreign Ministry building bombed by terrorists, 9/11/2013.

Details are still sketchy:

Security officials say a powerful explosion has caused serious damage to Libya’s Foreign Ministry building in the heart of the coastal city of Benghazi.

The early Wednesday morning blast also damaged the building next door housing the Benghazi branch of the Libyan Central Bank.

…and there’s no word yet whether this bombing was specifically done in commemoration of last year’s 9/11 al-Qaeda attack on our consulate (and murder of four Americans, including our Ambassador) in Benghazi, or whether it was done in commemoration of 2001’s 9/11 al-Qaeda attack on the WTC and the Pentagon.  Although it’s certainly reasonable for us to embrace the power of ‘and,’ here.

Continue reading Libya Foreign Ministry building bombed by terrorists, 9/11/2013.

The next time any of you see @jaketapper, buy him a drink.

Jake Tapper freaking looks like he needs one.

Short version: four Americans died in Benghazi in a terrorist attack (including our Ambassador), that there was an intolerable lack of security is the only thing that everyone agrees on, and yet nobody is being held accountable for anything – and the Obama administration is clearly taking the position that anybody who doesn’t like the current state of affairs can just go die in a grease fire. For that last bit I am merely articulating what Jake would probably dearly love to say, only he’s on CNN and they don’t approve of such language on the air.

Great. Now I need a drink.

Moe Lane

Barack Obama unilaterally tries to recuse Susan Rice from #Benghazi testimony.

Via Ed Driscoll comes something I hadn’t considered: Susan Rice as National Security Advisor means that Barack Obama thinks that he can claim executive privilege to keep her from testifying.

A Google News search on [“Susan Rice” “executive privilege”] (typed exactly as indicated between brackets) returns two stories. The main one is at Fox News, where K.T. McFarland pointed out that President Obama, now that he has appointed Susan Rice to be his National Security Adviser, can invoke executive privilege to keep her from testifying before Congress. The second is at Mediate, and notes that McFarland said the same thing to Fox News Channel anchor Martha MacCallum earlier today.

So I think that we have established here that the President is hiding something about Benghazi; we’re now just trying to figure out what Barack Obama is hiding*.

Continue reading Barack Obama unilaterally tries to recuse Susan Rice from #Benghazi testimony.

QotD, The Thing About #Benghazi Is That It Was Sadly Predictable edition.

Cynical, but more or less correct:

The hundred pages of Benghazi e-mails released this week tell us almost nothing about how four Americans came to die so tragically in that Libyan city. But they are a case study in why nothing works in Washington.

Rather than reading these messages for their substance on Benghazi (on which officials were still basically clueless three days after the attack), try perusing them as an illustration of how the bureaucracy responds to crisis — especially when officials know they will be under the media spotlight.

What you find is a 100-page novella of turf-battling and backside-covering.

Also: damning.  We were told that this administration was different, somehow.  Which was, of course… a false thing, told to people who are now learning better, and we have to remember that people do not deserve to be lied to, even if they had been warned ahead of time.  The point is that Barack Obama – and his entire staff, explicitly including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – is a creature of the system, not its nemesis.

Obama administration going with the idiot narrative on #Benghazi.

No, seriously, this is the angle that they’re going to run with:

“We’re portrayed by Republicans as either being lying or idiots,” said one Obama administration official who was part of the Benghazi response. “It’s actually closer to us being idiots.”

Personally, I take the position that the administration needs to embrace the healing power of ‘and,’ here. But as the philosopher once put it: men must paddle before they can swim. Continue reading Obama administration going with the idiot narrative on #Benghazi.

Kirsten Powers picks *precisely* the wrong moment to complain about Republicans crying wolf.

You picked a hell of a week for this subtitle, Powers:

We are coming off four years of being oversold one fantastical story after another about the evils of Obama-land; stories that didn’t pan out.

You want to call for a mulligan? – I’m only going to offer it because you were horrified about the Kermit Gosnell case.  I’m a fair-minded man.

Moe Lane

PS: I just watched that Jay Carney press conference.  Not many journalists there thought that there wasn’t a Benghazi story…

McClatchy circles back to #benghazi, and the lies about the video.

McClatchy (!) has decided to get in on the Benghazi dogpile, probably because, hey, no line for this one*!

Lost in the controversy over who requested revisions of CIA-written talking points on September’s attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans is one key fact: In every iteration of the document, the CIA asserted that a video protest preceded the assaults, and no official reviewing the talking points suggested that that was in error.

Yet interviews with U.S. officials and others indicate that they knew nearly immediately that there had been no protest outside the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi before attackers stormed it, setting a fire that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and Sean Smith, a State Department computer expert. A subsequent attack on a CIA annex nearby killed two security contractors, former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Why the CIA insisted that there had been a protest tied to a YouTube video that mocked the Prophet Muhammad for several days after the attack, mirroring some news reports, has never been publicly explained.

Well, never been publicly explained by the CIA. Everybody reading this knows that the actual reason that the protest was linked to the video is because the Obama administration could argue that there’s no realistic way to predict when a random event like a ‘spontaneous demonstration’ would go deadly. But a planned terrorist operation? Yeah, the American public has an expectation that counter-terrorism agencies are supposed to catch that sort of thing. Goodness knows that the Obama administration has been pushing itself as being hyper-competent and on-the-ball; a disaster like Benghazi** might have destroyed that narrative.  Which is why they kicked the can down the road by claiming that nonsense about a video. Continue reading McClatchy circles back to #benghazi, and the lies about the video.

Jim Geraghty makes a VERY good point on #benghazi.

Alt title: Jim channels ME – God help him – on CNN.

Which is to say: he said pretty much what I would have, assuming of course that anybody was ever insane enough to put me on CNN.

The short version: Jim did some vigorous pushback on the excuse of Oh, well, we’d cover this story except that there’s some random person on the Right pounding the table so we can’t look like loons that far too many people in the media like to use. As Jim put it in his Morning Jolt:
Continue reading Jim Geraghty makes a VERY good point on #benghazi.

Even the Left is admitting that Barack Obama has fatally hurt future bipartisanship efforts.

John Dickerson took perhaps too long to get to this paragraph, and he wrote it through gritted teeth, but he does put a finger on the central problem for the Obama administration right now:

The substantive differences between the president and Republicans on the budget may be insurmountable, but now it seems like even if the pipe dream of a substantive budget agreement could be reached it wouldn’t be enough. Even if Republican senators can engage in a trust-building exercise with the White House, how can they convince their constituents that the president is offering them a fair deal on the budget? A poisoned well is now roiling. Any Republican who tries to convince their constituents about a deal will now likely get funny looks. Their constituents would wonder why they were engaged in negotiations with an administration that has told evolving stories about its response to the attack in Benghazi and that houses an IRS targeting conservative groups.

Continue reading Even the Left is admitting that Barack Obama has fatally hurt future bipartisanship efforts.

…So, Pat Smith would have the same ‘absolute moral authority’ as Cindy Sheehan, right? #benghazi

Just checking.

Pat Smith wishes Hillary Clinton a Happy Mothers day, noting that Hillary’s got her kid but “I dont have mine – because of her.”

Video at the link – and no, that’s not particularly out of context, either.  I’ll be honest; I don’t buy into the absolute moral authority argument.  But a large section of the antiwar movement did, and so I’d like to hear them either a). admit that it was all hypocritical BS on their part; or b). start savaging Hillary Clinton just as viciously as they tried to savage George W. Bush.  Either will suit, really.  Because, again: under the Left’s own rules this woman absolutely must be answered.  Not my rules: the Left’s.  I expect the antiwar Left to live by its own moral code, even if it can’t live by a mainstream one…

Moe Lane

PS: Winding up Cindy Sheehan all those years ago and releasing her in the direction of George W Bush – all to try to win a Presidential election – was pretty contemptible.  Just wanted to remind people.