Carafem: the perfect intersection of left-feminism and bro culture.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I am pro-life, but it is not my top issue. I generally don’t talk about it, much, because there are a good number of people for whom life is their top issue and I trust them to handle the discussion. All of which means that it takes a certain amount of Oh my God what is that? to get me to make a response.

This Carafem ad qualifies. Continue reading Carafem: the perfect intersection of left-feminism and bro culture.

Attorney General Douglas Gansler (D) running for Brovenor* of Maryland.

You know it’s going to be good when an article about a Democratic candidate for governor starts with this paragraph:

Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler said Thursday that showing up at a “beach week” party of teenagers and not investigating whether there was underage drinking was “a mistake that I made.”

No kidding there, Sparky.  Particularly since there’s a picture of him attentively watching a girl twerk – or was it a bump-and-grind? – on some bro wearing what I hope to God are shorts with an American flag pattern**. Wait wait wait… there’s a freaking picture of Attorney General Gansler taking pictures of the Twerker and the Bro. Continue reading Attorney General Douglas Gansler (D) running for Brovenor* of Maryland.

Tweet of the Day, This Is What Being Pro-#Obamacare Means, Bro edition.

This is what they are. This is what they’re reduced to.

Several points: Continue reading Tweet of the Day, This Is What Being Pro-#Obamacare Means, Bro edition.