Quote of the Day, Wherein I Ruin A Moment With a Crass Partisan Observation edition.

Walter Russell Mead:

But beyond all the yapping and the buzzing about gun control, the Confederate flag, and whether Dylann Roof was a terrorist or not, a very powerful truth emerged from the horror in Charleston: that the African-American church remains one of America’s great national blessings. Yet again the African American church in the United States bore steadfast witness to the boundless, the infinite, the compassionate love of God. When the families of the murdered, martyred saints told Dylann Roof that they forgave him, when they prayed that he in his darkness might somehow find the light and the love of God, they reminded us what heroism truly is, and they showed us all what it means to follow Jesus Christ.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Wherein I Ruin A Moment With a Crass Partisan Observation edition.

Just a reminder: the RedState Gathering is this weekend.

If you’re attending, feel free to look me up.  I’ll be one of the guys with the harried look on his face (when I’m not one of the guys hiding in the bar, beer in hand); these things are great fun, but they’re very much working vacations for me.  The Media maw must be fed content, and this is a place where I can generate any number of candidate and politician interviews.  And the Gatherings don’t run themselves, so somebody’s got to run around and lend a hand.  At that, I have a heck of a lot less to keep track of than Erick or Caleb or Neil or various Eagle Publishing folks.

But it is in fact still a vacation, and I’m always happy to talk to a reader of my stuff.

Moe Lane Continue reading Just a reminder: the RedState Gathering is this weekend.