RIP, Chuck Yeager.

It’s a sad day. Still, we can take some comfort in knowing that Chuck Yeager was a man who lived a full and rewarding life, and that he was one of the people who helped usher in the modern age. My condolences to his wife, family, and loved ones.

It’s Chuck Yeager’s birthday.

Ninety seven. Wow. That’s amazing, particularly when you consider that his career was in flying planes that were either getting shot at, or else made from a design that looked really good on paper but somebody needed to check to see if it’d shred mid-flight. Happy birthday, Chuck Yeager!

Tweet of the Night, …Is Chuck Yeager Trying To Pick Up Taylor Swift, Here? edition.

Probably not; but that’s kind of how this reads. Dude’s 94, by the way, and he still ‘sounds’ pretty damned spry. I don’t expect to be this spry at 94.