#rsrh QotD, Kathleen Parker Broken Clock Watch edition.

(H/T: Instapundit) Well, she does occasionally hit the target.

The past several days of Newark Mayor Cory Booker’s life have been painfully amusing to watch.

Painful because Booker, a rising Democratic star, is such a good guy. Amusing, because rarely are Americans treated to such premier seats in the political theater of truth and consequence.

That is, tell the truth and beware the consequences.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Kathleen Parker Broken Clock Watch edition.

Obama for America… provides Team Romney with its latest ad.

For free.  Here’s Mitt Romney‘s latest strike-while-the-iron-is-hot attack ad “Big Bain Backfire:”


Nice to see that they’re keeping up with events, huh? Continue reading Obama for America… provides Team Romney with its latest ad.

#rsrh Poor Impulse Control Watch: the Online Left vs. Cory Booker.

You know, I’m not exactly sure why this fairly commonsense observation by Newark mayor (and Democrat) Cory Booker that maybe you shouldn’t demonize quite so heavily the private equity industry…

…is worth quite this much vituperation from the Left in response.

Continue reading #rsrh Poor Impulse Control Watch: the Online Left vs. Cory Booker.