Which consultant told Democratic candidates to refuse to say that they voted for Obama?

Because somebody did.

CHARLESTON, WV – Today, during an editorial board meeting with the Charleston Daily Mail, Natalie Tennant refused to say that she voted for President Obama in 2012. “I voted for the Democratic Party,” she said. She also, yet again, refused to say whether she would vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader if elected to the Senate.

Yeah, I know, doesn’t matter because it’s West Virginia, but still. Somebody told Democratic candidates that they needed to be cowards. Who, and why?

Hickenlooper the Coward.

That’s not my assessment, although I certainly do agree with it (OK, so I guess that it is): it’s the assessment of Bob Crowell, father of a murder victim whose murderer might be given clemency if John Hickenlooper loses.

No, seriously.

“I think that’s the coward’s way out.”

This story has been addressed on RedState before, notably here and here: the short version is that John Hickenlooper, Democratic governor of Colorado, is against the death penalty. Fine*. This theoretical stance of Hickenlooper’s has come up against the real-world example of Nathan Dunlap, who is a remorseless, cold-blooded killer who ruthlessly and senselessly murdered four people twenty years ago, and who has been staving off his execution ever since. The problem for Hickenlooper is this: while the people of Colorado would dearly love to see Dunlap get the needle, the Lefties that make up Hickenlooper’s organization would not. Continue reading Hickenlooper the Coward.

Heh. @DavidOAtkins crawls on his belly like a miserable little worm to apologize to Republicans.

Oh, I’d keep quiet about that, if I were him. He’s done quite enough damage to his local party structure as it is.

The chair of the Ventura County [California] Democratic Party has apologized for a series of tweets he sent out over the Fourth of July weekend that infuriated local Republicans and brought calls for his resignation.

Ventura resident David Atkins, who has served as party chair since 2012, found himself the target of the National Republican Congressional Committee after posting several messages on Independence Day implying the GOP sided with the Nazis prior to the outset of World War II and wanted women to go back to the days of “coathanger induced sepsis” with regard to abortions.

Atkins also expressed the opinion that most Republican voters are old white men and that he was waiting for them to die.

Continue reading Heh. @DavidOAtkins crawls on his belly like a miserable little worm to apologize to Republicans.

So, @MarkUdall! You going to have @barackobama campaign with you in Colorado?

I SAID… Senator Udall?  Will President Obama be campaigning with you in Colorado? (Transcript below via RCP link)

DANA BASH, CNN: Is he a liability for you, the president back home?

SEN. MARK UDALL (D-CO): When the president comes to Colorado and talks about our all-the-above energy approach — we’ve got lots of natural gas and solar power — that resonates with Coloradoans. When he talks about making sure our veterans are treated properly that resonates with Coloradoans.

Continue reading So, @MarkUdall! You going to have @barackobama campaign with you in Colorado?