#6 is pretty strange.

It never occurred to me – although it should have – that the people who make television shows might get a little upset when those shows are canceled on them, but this seems just a tad much.

On the other hand, that show* was full of obnoxious stereotyping anyway, so go Alvarez Impact hypothesis.

Moe Lane

*I was going to flog it, but when I went to go look it up I found this instead:

Much more worth spending your hard-earned money on, particularly if you have a desk.

Cracked.com celebrates Military MindF*cks…

in its usual style.  I offer this one about #6 (Chuko “Sleeping Dragon” Liang):

According to historians, during the War of the Three Kingdoms, accompanied by a consort of just 100 soldiers and the rest of his army miles away, Chuko saw an opposing army with over 100,000 men marching towards him. The opposing general, Sima Yi, was a veteran who had fought Chuko in multiple battles. Familiar with the Sleeping Dragon’s clever ways and, deciding to take no chances, he led the massive army to capture Chuko.

Ordering his few men into hiding, Chuko commanded that the town gates be left wide open and, positioning himself atop the city wall, he proceeded to play the lute as the massive enemy army approached. Upon his arrival at the town gates, Sima Yi, who had fallen victim to many a Chuko-led ambush, halted his army and studied Chuko’s calm manner as he ripped a solo on the chords.

Convinced it was a trap he could not yet comprehend, Sima commanded a hasty retreat, more than a 100,000 soldiers pulling back from one man and his musical instrument. Chuko thus earned an entire wing in the Bullsh*tter’s Hall of Fame.

…mostly because some of you may need to look a gamemaster in the eye some day, and tell him or her that of course that damfool idea that the party came up with will work. After all, it worked for Chuko, right?

Moe Lane

PS: Remember. The trick is to get them to agree to roll the dice. Once you get to roll the dice, you can get the modifiers that you need.  But you have to be able to roll the dice.

God help me, I’ve seen most of these films.

Cracked Topics: Vampires. Generally spot-on, except that the author left out Innocent Blood. A serious omission: the combination of vampires and mobsters in the same movie is sufficiently rare to be worth noting.

Also: I haven’t actually seen any of the Otherworld films, on the grounds that there’s some suggestion that White Wolf should have gotten a cut. Any of them any good?

Six Insane Discoveries, and their gaming applications.

Having read this on Cracked, it immediately became obvious that what it was starkly necessary for someone to look at the “6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can’t Explain” and explain them using the tools designed for such things: ie, roleplaying games.

Well, it was obvious to me. This is going to go unapologetic gaming geek now, so I’m giving the rest of you the courtesy of a page break. Continue reading Six Insane Discoveries, and their gaming applications.

And now, a tiger hugging a man.

tigerhug Provided via Cracked.com, solely for the purpose of allowing you to reset your brain and attitude for the evening and let you get your pulse down a couple of beats.

All that being said, though: bacon salt.. Bacon salt will make you happy. At least, it will make you happy if you also have mashed potatoes. And why don’t you have mashed potatoes, anyway? They’re not hard to make: scrub a potato down, cut it into quarters, dump it into boiling water, come back in a half hour, drain, add a little real milk, a little real butter, and, well, mash them up until it looks right. Then add the bacon salt and more butter.

Simple, really.

Moe Lane

Politicians gone wild!

I posted the link to this Cracked article over at RedState under a different name and purpose (Sunday open thread), but it’s got too many good bits not to put over here, too. Here’s one (and not the one I was originally going to use, either):

Yeah, yeah, I know: we shouldn’t be amused by scenes like this. But the Youtube guy was right. That guy was poking them with a stick, and they did take it.

Moe Lane

PS: Make sure you watch the #1 video. It’s relatively tame, but it’s also evidence that we’re not immune from this phenomenon.

PPS: Alas, the market for “politicians fighting” seems to be tragically under-explored, although this back-in-the-day worshipful look at the guy who helped destroy the mortgage market might prove unintentionally amusing.

Cracked.com has waited for this moment for a long time.

I do not know where to begin in excerpting “Cracked Officially Starts Feeling Sorry for MAD Magazine:”  I’m not sure that I can, effectively.  In some ways, it feels like a situation where wiseass killeth wiseass in a narrow, dusty room – that just happens to have a webcam in it to record the gory details.  And they are gory.  Gory, deliberately puerile, and hysterically funny.

But not to be a killjoy about this: remember that Silverlock quote I made yesterday?  The one about rubbing dung in people’s hair?  Yeah, you guys may have pushed the line with the “horse money” bit.  People get touchy about not having horse money.