The matter of Estonia.

(Via Instapundit) It does not in fact surprise me that a person’s enthusiasm for Communism is usually [directly] proportional to how long it’s been since he or she had to live under it*:

[Estonian finance minister] Parts is vigorous, blonde, and athletic, but seems tired. He tries to conceal a yawn, explaining that he and his wife have just had their fourth child and nights have been short. “Comparisons are always difficult,” he says. “But when [Estonia] finally escaped from Soviet socialism, we were sick and tired of government centralism. We wanted precisely the opposite in all respects: We wanted a transparent state. A country that isn’t constantly intervening, nationalizing businesses, placing a bureaucracy above everything and imposing rules on people in every respect.”

But that’s because I know that Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people. Continue reading The matter of Estonia.