Why I just dumped Firefox as a browser, and so should you. #uninstallfirefox

When I heard that Lefty advocates had managed to hound a traditional marriage supporter from his position at Mozilla’s CEO, I did what any sensible opponent of California’s Proposition 8 and supporter of Maryland’s Question 6 would do: I immediately dumped Firefox and found another browser (in my case, Chrome). I support gay marriage.  I do not support demonizing the roughly half of the country that disagrees with me.

What I did not realize, however, was just how bad Firefox has gotten over the last few years. I am absolutely shocked by how much faster Chrome loads and operates, and it’s apparently a heck of a lot more stable, too. What makes it more startling is that I had Chrome on my Chromebook; I guess that I assumed that the faster speeds there was just due to Google optimizing the computer for its browser.  No, it works better on desktops, too.  And you can even import your bookmarks and passwords. Continue reading Why I just dumped Firefox as a browser, and so should you. #uninstallfirefox

…This might make me adopt Chrome.

I mean, I like Firefox, but dear God but I want this:

Google’s Chrome browser might soon be getting an easy way to tell you which open tabs are making noise, or recording it. The new feature is part of the latest Chromium build, and features a throbbing EQ animation over the noisy tab’s favicon (video below) to tell you and your system that it’s doing audio stuff. Chromium is the open source project that feeds into Google’s Chrome browser, and is often the first place that its new features show up.

Via Instapundit.  I don’t know why this isn’t built into every browser anyway, honestly.

Movie of the Week: It Happened here.

It Happened Here is speculative: I’m trying to convince myself that owning it is worth almost a month’s allowance. There isn’t a local library that has it, you see (amazing how more useful a source that gets in general once you have kids).

And farewell to Firefox, which probably is at the library. I wonder whether that’s a reflection on my priorities, or its.