Turns out we didn’t have to go anywhere for fireworks.

The weather was weird this weekend, but it cleared up nicely just as dusk was descending. My youngest and I were supposed to go find fireworks (they’re loud, but he loves ’em) — but my neighbors were really enthusiastic about setting off pyrotechnics. Some really good stuff, too: the kind of stuff you have to (chortle, air quotes) “go over the border (snicker) to Pennsylvania (chuckle)” to get, because (cackle) fireworks are (laughter) are (belly laugh) are — hold on, I can do this — are illegal in Maryland. (falling down onto the floor, holding in herniated stomach)

So we just walked around the neighborhood a little. Good times! Hope you had a proper Glorious Fourth, too.

It is the Glorious Fourth of July.

Today is the official birthday of the United States of America, greatest nation in the history of the world and the unique hope of mankind. It is the land of Moon-Walkers and Monster-Killers, Beacon of Liberty and Wellspring of Ideals; a place where dreams may become real, and a refuge for dreamers. Its people are generous in peace, and stark in war — so do not be over-hasty in provoking our justified wrath. We may not be perfect, but by God we’re not half bad.

Enjoy the day!

Happy Independence Day!

This is not the music video, mind you. It’s just something to get you into the right mood for the day. Hope you have good things planned for this, the official birthday of the USA; which is to say, the greatest nation in the world* and a beacon of liberty for the ages.

Sit Down John, 1776

Moe Lane

*I mean no offense to other nations, of course; particularly those nations who fought and bled alongside us during those tragic times where it was regrettably necessary to go forth and Smite the forces of Evil.

Happy Fourth of July!

We’re back, everything’s cool, regular posting resumes tomorrow.  We managed to make it back just before the driving rainstorm, too: it was a nice weekend, actually.  Not even too hot, which is always a worry with July.  Hope everybody’s having a Glorious Fourth.

Happy Independence Day! …Now get off the Internet.

Even if it’s raining.  Just pour yourself another cup of coffee and filch some more bacon.  That’s what I’m doing, because that’s the SMART thing to do.

Moe Lane

PS: A reminder to our enemies: you are not the first to conclude that my country is weak, and not worth worrying about. I tell you of this because there’s a weird thing about our enemies; most of them – particularly the ones that wrote us off – are, well, dead now and can’t tell anybody anything. Contemplate that for a while.