#rsrh I do not worry about an Obama Cleveland scenario…

…that being a “Obama loses in 2012, goes away for four years, and runs again” kind of situation.  And I do not worry about it because of two words: Al. Gore.  To be highly accurate, yet brutally honest, about it… in 2001 Al Gore more or less had a psychotic break in response to the stunning news that the people did not understand that Gore had been designed by his father to lead America to a brave new future.  Not being a clinical psychologist – heck, I had to look up ‘psychosis’ in Wikipedia – I can’t really say that this explains Gore’s steady erosion ever since; but, speaking as a partisan political hack… oh, yeah, the guy totally wigged  out and is in the middle of a death spiral to full-bore madness.

And I think that something similar might happen to Barack Obama, once he loses.  If it does not – and I don’t actually like seeing people go clinically insane – it will probably be mostly due to the anchors of his family, particularly his wife.  But even if Obama does not go Full Metal Gore, he is going to do and say some dumb, yet personally things that will make sure that they do not tap him in 2016. And by 2020 Obama will be stale, stale, stale. Continue reading #rsrh I do not worry about an Obama Cleveland scenario…