#rsrh Helen Thomas is a bitter, bitter woman.

You know, I’m glad that Helen Thomas still has cognitive function, as revealed in this interview (sent to me via email). Evil, twisted, and yes, anti-Semitic*, but otherwise cognitively functional:

On the Jews’ influence and power: “[The Jews are] using their power, and they have power in every direction…Power over the White House, power over Congress…Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood.  Same thing with the financial markets.  There’s total control…It isn’t the two percent.  It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion.  Of course they have power.  [To the interviewer] You don’t deny that.  You’re Jewish, aren’t you?”

You see, there’s no point to despising the mentally ill.  Neither is it nice.  After all, the mentally ill can’t help being mentally ill, right? But Thomas can; and so watching her squirm under the consequences of her actions is perfectly justified.  If she doesn’t like being treated as a Bad Person, then she shouldn’t be Bad.

Read the whole article, by the way: apparently, the interviewer flat-out asked Thomas whether or not she was non compos mentis.  A shame that they probably don’t videotape these interviews: I’d pay a buck to see her face when that question came up.  I’d pay more for a montage of the people who are going to be upset by this interview, too; there’s going to be a lot of bitter resentment among the Left-pundit class that they’ll have to tone down their memorials to this woman when she eventually kicks the bucket.  Which should happen in due time, I’m sure.

Moe Lane

*Babbling about international Jewish conspiracies is, as they say, diagnostic.

#rsrh Helen Thomas still being… Helen Thomas.


“I can call a president of the United States anything in the book but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said.

Again: oy.  In case you’re wondering, that link is to Jim Treacher’s quoting of Ed Morrissey’s not-really-gentle correction of that particular canard.  Short version: she’s referring to Israeli-only roads in the West Bank (the government restricts them to cars with Israeli plates, which are available to Israeli citizens… including the non-Jewish ones, of which Israel has quite a few.

You know, in her way Helen Thomas is a shining avatar of the power of American assimilation.  Nowhere else could the daughter of Middle Easterners grow up to be the sort of person who thinks that all Middle Easterners look alike to her.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Just… go home, Helen Thomas.

I understand and endorse the argument that anti-Semitism needs to be pushed back on whenever possible, mind you.  But when it comes to Helen Thomas specifically… she is old, and angry, and alone; and in a few years she will be dead and I (probably) will not be.  And once Helen Thomas is dead she will very quickly also be forgotten, and I suspect that she knows that already.  So there is nothing that I have to do besides wait.

There is no mercy or pity in this: I waste neither on people who hate Jews. And I say nothing against those less indifferent to her fate than I.

Moe Lane