#rsrh The New Yorker and the The Obama That They Used To Know.

No, that video will not be reproduced in this post.

It’s impressive, in its way: The New Yorker manages to go an entire article where they portray President Obama as a gormless idiot with no feel for practical politics, an active disdain for business activities, and a fundamental incapacity for hiding his (completely unwarranted) attitude of smug superiority who take the first two things seriously – and yet they never actually sayany of those things.  It’s quite an exhibition of rhetorical skill.  Note that I am assuming that the New Yorker is being tongue in cheek when it repeats such errant nonsense as “He is so private, and so emotionally and intellectually honest;” I mean, surely that magazine is much more sophisticated than the parochial rubes that spout off that kind of delusional tripe?

Via Business Insider.




Darned *straight*, Glenn.

[Welcome, Instapundit readers.]

People like Andrew Sullivan were dumb rubes to actually believe that any functional candidate for President would actually believe in the progressive anti-war strategy (let alone implement it, once they were in office), and you told them so.  Heck, I told them so – admittedly, when I wrote that it was before the financial meltdown turned what had been a moderately tough election campaign cycle for the GOP into an impossible one, thus making it unnecessary at the time for the then-Senator to actually address his mendacious pandering to the anti-war movement with regard to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  But the Right blogosphere knew that “All Barack Obama Statements Come With an Expiration Date. All Of Them” right from the start, and we were not shy about saying so.  If the rubes over on the anti-war Left are now upset about that, well, they should try voting sober next time.

And since we’re bringing up uncomfortable truths, let me add this one: we were right on the war, rubes, and you were not.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Lest this turn into a lovefest for the President, let me remind you of something else: Barack Obama is bad at this, mostly because it takes him far too long to come up with a response in a crisis.

QotD, ‘Hey Rube!’ Edition.

Glenn Reynolds, on watching yet another babbling leftist idiot* snap out of it and realize that he was fed antiwar porn by the current administration:

This keeps happening. Ah, but remember when you now-disappointed Obama supporters were lecturing us about the fierce moral urgency of change? With such overweening self-righteousness? Even as you resolutely failed to look at what was going on, or to inquire into what Obama was actually like? So pardon me, now-disappointed Obama voters, if I point out that you’re rubes. Again, and again.


Indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed.

Moe Lane

Continue reading QotD, ‘Hey Rube!’ Edition.

Yoo/Bybee protected by Obama administration.

Because you never know.

Thanks to CPAC, I completely missed covering this (Glenn Reynolds reminded me of the story this morning):

Authors of waterboarding memos won’t be disciplined

Bush administration lawyers who wrote memos that paved the way for waterboarding of terrorism suspects and other harsh interrogation tactics “exercised poor judgment” but will not face discipline for their actions, according to long-awaited Justice Department documents released Friday.

I would have asked Abdul Ghani Baradar whether he thought that this exoneration – which is what this is  – had anything to do with the administration’s decision to re-implement Clinton-era tactics of extraordinary rendition, but he could not be reached for comment.

Moe Lane

PS: What’s that?  You’re from the Left, and you gave money to Democrats because you thought that they would prosecute Yoo and Bybee for doing their jobs?  And now you want that money back?  Why, how profoundly silly of you.  Next, you’ll be telling farmers to give milk back to the cows.

Hey, be personally grateful it’s not ‘give bacon back to the pigs.’

Crossposted to RedState.