#rsrh A few suggested questions for Obama’s 10:30 AM conference call.

Yeah, I hear that they’re having one.  So I figured that I could help by providing anybody in the media who was starting to feel… rambunctious… a few good questions to ask.

Because I’m a giver.

  • Reportedly, the Obama campaign will be claiming their concern for students entering the workforce.  How does it justify its rhetoric, given that the administration’s ongoing attacks on small businesses and start-ups?
  • The Obama campaign will also reportedly pivot on jobs.  How many pivots to jobs does this make at this point, and will they be replacing the carpet any time soon?
  • It is assumed that at some point an Obama campaign official will make a snide comment about the Republican budget.  List the last five things that the administration has done to punish Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for refusing to submit a budget for consideration.  Because it’s been, you know, three YEARS.
  • Lastly… it’s been a while since Obama for America has come out with a new ham-fisted attempt to try to spawn some good, old-fashioned bigotry against the presumed nominee.  Can we at least get a hint of what the new spring hate line will be?

Hope that helps!

Moe Lane

#rsrh Obama calls another Heisenberg press conference.

I call it a “Heisenberg press conference” because since we know where it’s going to be with some certainty, it then follows that we will not be able to determine when it’s actually going to start.

Supposedly this is all going to be about yet another attempt by President Obama to give the impression that he cares about any job besides his own.  Tell it to Harry Reid, Mr. President: tell it to Reid.

#rsrh QotD, Well, Andrew’s A Pro Edition.

Andrew Malcolm – who was at the RedState Gathering, by the way* – comes up with a title that makes reading the article itself almost irrelevant:

On Day 938 of his presidency, Obama says he’ll have a jobs plan in a month or so

But read it anyway.

Moe Lane

*Good guy.  We at RedState like him; he’s about the only reason most of us have for reading what I think Patterico calls the LA Daily Fishwrap.

The Democrats’ new laser-like focus on jobs… HEY!


Hey, guess what? The Democrats plan to focus on jobs! (Via Ace of Spades)  Stop me if you’ve heard this one before… what, you have?

A lot?

Are you sure?

Continue reading The Democrats’ new laser-like focus on jobs… HEY!

‘All hands on deck’ for job creation! Again.

President Obama, during yet another promise to make job creation his number one priority in life. How many times does that make now? Six? Seven? Eight?  But he means it this time!

“Not until everyone who wants a good job that offers a little security has one. Not until empty storefronts in town are open for business again. Not until working families feel that they’re moving forward again. That’s what drives me every day I go to work. You. Your families. Your jobs. Your dreams, and everything it takes to keep them in reach,” [Obama] said.

Now watch this drive.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#rsrh QotD, Patience, Grasshopper edition.

Fred Barnes, who is perhaps just a bit restive waiting for the 2012 election cycle to really start:

The economy is languishing, joblessness is stuck at an abnormally high rate, the housing market remains in decline, the deficit will exceed $1 trillion for every year of Obama’s term, the national debt is north of $14 trillion, and markets are anxious. There’s a connection between our troubled economy and Barack Obama. If Republicans drive home the link, they’ll oust him and win big in 2012. It’s as simple as that.

And if it was June of 2012 and we hadn’t started this, I’d be concerned – but, contrary to popular belief (and perhaps egged on by the pundit class*), it’s early days yet.  Heck, we don’t even have a nominee. Because the election’s not for another year and a half, and all that.

Moe Lane


The Inexorable McMahon Job-Creation Ad.

If you missed Dick Blumenthal’s incredibly clueless answer to Linda McMahon’s simple question “How do you create a job?” at the last debate, don’t worry: the McMahon campaign has had boiled it down to a television ad.


And in the process they managed to do what was I would have thought would be the impossible; they managed to cram two minutes of idiocy into a thirty second clip. Including Blumenthal’s rictus grin; as God is my witness, when I watched that originally I fully expected Dick to end his ‘response’ with the happy declaration that he had just done a Number Two in his pants. Continue reading The Inexorable McMahon Job-Creation Ad.

Giannoulias, Fisher go abroad to raise money from trial lawyers.

Along the way, they ran over a polar bear cub with their SUV, then tied it to the bumper with an American flag and dragged it along for a couple of miles.

…while smoking cigarettes.


The Giannoulias Democratic Illinois Senate campaign confirmed Monday–after prodding from the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee–that Alexi Giannoulias was in Canada on Sunday attending a fund-raiser at a trial lawyer convention in Vancouver that would benefit his Senate campaign.


Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher was in Canada yesterday to attend a reception with a group of American trial lawyers that is supporting his campaign, the Fisher campaign said today.

The Giannoulias campaign didn’t want to admit to the fundraising junket at all, while the Fisher campaign tried the novel technique of trying to frame it in terms of a fact-finding tour about lost Ohio jobs (apparently, Rob Portman has amazing powers over space and time; either that, or he mentally dominated Lee Fisher into losing jobs for Ohio).  I don’t see why evasions and lying – excuse me; ‘jokes’ – are necessary, here.  Trial lawyers are some of the most loyal Democratic donors in existence: they’ve paid out millions (if not billions) in campaign contributions, and get hundreds of billions in protection and opportunities* in exchange.  Shouldn’t the Democrats be proud of their patrons?

Moe Lane
Continue reading Giannoulias, Fisher go abroad to raise money from trial lawyers.

#rsrh Connecting the Jobs dots.

I know that when the President goes off on things like this:

Obama blasts GOP leader’s ‘ant’ comment as ‘out of touch’

…he wants me to think “Wow. That Boehner’s really crazy, huh?” Unfortunately, what I end up actually thinking is “Wow. Friday’s job report is going to absolutely suck, isn’t it?”  Which it probably will.

In chorus, everyone:


Moe Lane

PS: Goodness knows what the unemployment rate is going to be, mind you.  It’s almost as if they just spin a wheel and sacrifice a pigeon for the number every month.