GOP shuts down deficit-increasing ‘jobs’ bill.

Ace of Spades HQ sums up wonderfully (if originally profanely) the destruction of that 100 billion dollar (and 30 billion deficit-increasing) waste of tax money* known as a ‘jobs bill:’

Democrats: Give us $30 billion. GOP: Um….no. Democrats: Come on! GOP: Nah. Democrats: How come? GOP: One, I don’t have it; and two, you’re already into me for more than a trillion already. Democrats: So what’s another measly $30 billion? Please? GOP: Man, just [expletive deleted] off. Seriously. Democrats: WHY DO YOU HATE THE POOR! GOP: I don’t hate the poor. I just hate you.

But I would like to remind my readers of one thing: this blow for fiscal sanity?  Brought to you by Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (via Instapundit), much to the consternation of Democratic partisans… which apparently includes the author of the Politico article.  Or possibly Politico was just supposed to be in on the stimulus, somehow? – It’s all kind of murky these days.

Moe Lane Continue reading GOP shuts down deficit-increasing ‘jobs’ bill.

Not precisely the Quote of the Day, William Murchison edition.

More like the From Your Fingers To God’s Eyes of the Day, William Murchison edition:

Every Easter/Passover ABC returns the old DeMille semi-classic, “The Ten Commandments” for renewed viewing. We all could benefit by watching the Egyptians try to build a city by flogging the Hebrews half to death. It works only up to a point: The point at which the taskmasters reduce the work force to stuporous failure or rebellion. Along comes Charlton Heston. We know the rest of the story.

The pharaohs of the Beltway have a comparably odd way of inspiring ingenuity, inventiveness, vision, sacrifice and risk. It amounts to telling the risk takers, thanks, good work, now hand over. An intuition arises concerning the federal method: Namely, that the risk takers won’t be taking much risk before November in the way of new hiring, business expansion, etc. They will sensibly wait to see the American people’s judgment, delivered at the polls, on their government’s half-baked formula for putting Americans back to work.

We’ll see what the Republicans offer by contrast. It helps to remember that Charlton Heston was a Republican.

It’s all about the jobs this cycle.  A lot of people have been calling the health care debacle a ‘Hail Mary’ pass, which is nonsensical: nobody sane expects a program that takes that much earned wealth and sequesters it away into government purdah to somehow create more wealth.  Government never creates wealth.  It ‘merely’ provides the security – both external and internal – needed for others to create wealth.  A lot of people seem to miss this distinction, possibly because they’ve gotten distracted by the ongoing spectacle of the government using up wealth.  The government’s good at that, and it’s usually personally profitable for an inefficiently small portion of the population… so it sometimes looks like wealth creation.  If you’re not paying attention. Continue reading Not precisely the Quote of the Day, William Murchison edition.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) must now repair jobs-destroying mistake.

Tell me again about how the American people don’t care about pork.  Chuck.

You know, like you did here:

…because you just realized that they actually do care when it comes to keeping their existing jobs, huh? Continue reading Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) must now repair jobs-destroying mistake.