Happy Labor Day!

We had to install a new wall AC unit more or less on the fly and I grilled steaks and boneless chicken thighs later. Also, there was beer, and the weather was perfect. All in all, the day was a net positive (the old AC unit was apparently not… up to snuff).

Regular posting tomorrow.

The Spice Must Flow.

It’s September 1st, folks! Time for the time of the Pumpkining! Did you miss it? – Because I did.

Also: STARFIELD is fun, and it’s going to get even more fun when they fix the stuttering problem and the modders come up with a UI that humans can use. It’s actually less buggy than you’d expect from a Bethesda game, to. They should still release the Creation Kit with all due speed.

Lastly: it’s going to be a beautiful weekend here. Light posting for Labor Day.

Things are *crazy* around here right now.

Kids got back to school tomorrow, you see. So it’s making sure that their supplies are all set up and I gotta get ’em laundered and they came back from visiting their grandfather today and it’s been a busy afternoon. Hopefully it’ll quiet down tonight, after they’re put to bed. Hopefully.

If not: see you tomorrow! Hope everybody had a good Labor Day. I had some very nice brie breaded and deep fried with a remarkably smooth cider today, so it wasn’t too bad. And I got a haircut! I was meaning to get one of those.

So, I have the next couple of days off.

Wife’s taking the kids to go see Gramps, and I am going to decompress before we start up the school year next week (yeah, it’s kind of late).  Honestly, first day of school can get pretty dang stressful, for both me and the kids; I’m kind of looking forward to maybe getting a six-pack tomorrow and perusing MY Netflix for a change.  Or maybe Amazon Prime.  Got some watching to binge.

So I’ll be around, but maybe lazy.  What the heck.  Labor Day, right?

Hope everyone had a good Labor Day.

Ours was… functional. The sudden brake problem in the car kind of complicated things; I went out to get a feel for how bad the problem was, backed up about a foot, hit the brakes, hit the brakes REALLY HARD, said “NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE,” put the car in forward again, slammed on the brakes, and told my wife I’d get it to the shop tomorrow.  Which pretty much starts the timer on us having to go get a new car.  Well… a new used car. Obviously.

Still, it was nice out this weekend. Always a plus.

OTHER Tweet of the Day, @GovWalker Wants To Say ‘Hi’ To Union Leadership edition.

Oh, my. That is what we call beautiful.

To the accompaniment of many, many people screaming in impotent rage. Which is as it should be.

Moe Lane (crosspost)
