So… according to Time’s liberal/conservative quiz, it all comes down to American exceptionalism.

As in, whether you believe in it.  Background: Time Magazine’s done one of those admittedly heavily unscientific quizzes that promises to peg your ideology with no more than twelve, count ’em, twelve questions.  Anyway, it’s going around, and I took it… to discover that I’m 63% liberal.  Which is weird: sure, I’m a squishy moderate and everything, but still.

Then I realized that I had screwed up this question:

I wish the world did not have nations or borders and we were all part of one big group.

The answer, of course, was supposed to be Hell, no*.  I firmly take the position that the United States of America makes a perfect world hegemon because none of us WANT the goram job; we just want to keep all those wild-eyed enthusiasts out there from getting the job – and in the process, presuming to think that they can tell us what to do. That never ends well**. Continue reading So… according to Time’s liberal/conservative quiz, it all comes down to American exceptionalism.