So, hey: full lunar eclipse on July 27th.

We won’t be able to see any of it directly — the lunar eclipse will happen during our daylight hours — but it’s apparently going to be impressively long, so you may want to go watch it online, or something.  Or if you’re not from North America, I guess you can just watch it directly.  Although I have no idea how many or my readers aren’t from North America.

Moe Lane

The next one is going to be next January 20th, and we will be able to see it here. I assume that there’s some sort of physics reason for that.

Astronomical trifecta this weekend: comet/lunar eclipse/full moon.

The comet’s not going to be anywhere close, though. So, no apocalypse this weekend. But don’t quote me on that if somebody decides to open up a sealed tomb in a lost city while the blood of a white bullock is staining the altar found in a pentacle made of ley lines connecting five Masonic crystal pyramids.

Hey. Just covering my bets.