Embarrassment of riches: NATIONAL TREASURE sequel AND Disney+ series.

Aww, you shouldn’t have: “Collider got Jerry Bruckheimer to open up his book of secrets and give a new update on the National Treasure franchise, which we learned not only includes National Treasure 3, but a Disney+ TV series now in development.” (Via GeekTyrant) I doubt they’ll get Cage for the National Treasure series, although if you pressed me as to why I couldn’t really give you a reason for that particular bout of skepticism. You never know with Nick Cage.

Continue reading Embarrassment of riches: NATIONAL TREASURE sequel AND Disney+ series.

NATIONAL TREASURE 3 actually going to be done?

Wait, I thought that this was a joke. I guess it’s not: “It looks like Disney is actually finally moving forward with National Treasure 3.” Bruckheimer to produce; no idea on the cast. I’m sure that Nick Cage would be happy to come back, though.

Continue reading NATIONAL TREASURE 3 actually going to be done?

Dude. They’re *all* Freemasons.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) Well, all the male Members of Congress are.  The ones who aren’t Catholics, at least (I think that the Knights of Malta handle them for the Illuminati).  The female Members of Congress?  Order of the Golden Dawn.  I think.  I’m not on that particular mailing list. There’s a bunch of others, but members of Congress can double or even triple up; at this level the only real difference between the various mystical orders, secret societies, and occult conspiracies is what color your robe is at the rituals.

Also: if you’re going to go with the entire Secrets of the Catholic Church thing, go to the source. I don’t care what the lawsuit said; I am doubtful that Dan Brown came up with this on his own.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, of course the President’s a Freemason. Didn’t you see National Treasure? No? Heathen philistine.