Tweet of the Day, @Neiltyson Literally Can’t Even SPELL ‘Constitution’ edition.

Well, this is awkward.

“If we had 12 fingers, I wonder whether the Bill of Rights to the American Consitiution [sic] would have been 12 amendments long”

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, @Neiltyson Literally Can’t Even SPELL ‘Constitution’ edition.

Tweet of the Day, I Never Thought Politico Would Actually ADMIT It edition.

I mean, no argument on the title, but Politico usually gives people in their ‘set’ more cover than this.

…Ah. They brought in somebody to tell their readers the things that Politico itself cannot bear to say. All is now explained.

Moe Lane

PS: Just for the record: I don’t “want to listen to [Tyson] talk about supernovas and the large magellanic cloud.” I try to avoid the company of people who irrationally hate and fear people with my particular political affiliations. Especially ones with their own pet cult.