In Nomine Revisited: Nothing, Ethereal God of Atheists.

One of the entertaining things about In Nomine world-building for me was playing with the way that the core game concept could handily scupper the materialist-scientific worldview. As I would sometimes point out: in that campaign universe the most insightful and accurate theorist in the 20th Century when it came to the origins of the human race was Erich von Daniken. You can get some entertaining campaign seeds that way, particularly when your players are trying to make sure that the laws of physics keep ‘working’ properly around the unaware human researchers.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Nothing, Ethereal God of Atheists.

…Hear that? That’s silence, that’s what it is.

A week and a half.  Combination of school half days, holidays, snow days, and of course the weekend means that this is the first time in a week and a half that there have been no children around.

So I have done NOTHING*.  And I enjoyed it.

Moe Lane

*I don’t mean that I stared at the wall all morning: doing so got boring after the first fifteen glorious minutes.  But neither did I care about anything in particular, or got right on something, or cleaned a single blessed thing**.

**My wife interrupted my list of the stuff that I planned to do today with a “Or you could do nothing.”  …Well, she’s the smart one in the relationship.

New RNC Ad: “Nothing.”

The RNC has decided to get in a kick or two:

…presumably on the principle that you never let a good dip in the polls go to waste. Based on the length, this looks like a web ad, which means… actually, the jury is still out on how effective web ads are. They’re certainly more cost-effective, but the dispute is on what their real reach is – and the dispute is rarely between people who don’t have a vested interest in the answer.

Full points on the big lettering, by the way. Subtle, this wasn’t. Nor was it particularly meant to be.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.